MK4 to MK4S upgrade The current lead time is 1-2 weeks for both xLCD versions. Prusa CORE One shipping table Order date Estimated shipping 19.11.2024 from 31.1.2025 20.11.2024 from week 7 (starts February 10, 2025) ...
Stable releases The latest stable release of PrusaSlicer can be always found in the DRIVERS & APPS package and it’s available for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. The package also ...
Some options will only appear when Expert mode is selected. Layer height Height of the individual slices/thickness of each layer. Layer height is the main factor affecting both: print time vertical resolution By choosing taller ...
3D printers work by laying layer over layer of plastic to create a 3D object. Each new layer must be supported by the one beneath it. If part of your ...
PrusaSlicer offers many infill patterns to choose from. When choosing an infill pattern, these are the main things to consider: Print speed Density per material used (better support for top layers with ...
Updating the firmware is recommended for all users as every new version brings new features and fixes. To utilize the new SuperPINDA, your MK3S must at least have firmware version 3.9.2! To ...
The main purpose of infill is to provide internal support for top layers, which would otherwise have to bridge over empty space. Infill also affects the speed of printing, structural ...
The First Layer Calibration is used to calibrate the distance between the tip of the nozzle and the print surface. The aim is to adjust the nozzle height until the ...
Plastic parts used on our 3D printers are printed by the same machines, holding on to the original idea of the RepRap project. If you want to print replacement parts ...
This is an advanced calibration, recommended only to experienced users. The Extrusion Multiplier allows the fine-tuning of the extrusion flow rate - simply described as how much filament comes out of the nozzle. In ...
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