Induction sensor for auto-leveling/mesh bed leveling. Accurately detect the metal in the flexible steel sheet. Related articlesM.I.N.D.A./SuperPINDA sensor testing (MINI/MINI+) The Induction auto-leveling sensor is a vital component facilitating the calibration of the MINI and MINI+. It acts like the Z end-stop and is the main component in mesh-bed leveling.…Read the articleHow to replace a M.I.N.D.A. sensor (MINI) Read the articleFirst Layer Calibration (i3)The First Layer Calibration is used to calibrate the distance between the tip of the nozzle and the print surface. The aim is to adjust the nozzle height until the extruded plastic…Read the articleQR Error codesThis is an advanced system for displaying error screens providing more useful information to the user. In case of an issue, the printer will display the name of the error followed…Read the article