Parte metallica fissata alla torre che viene utilizzata per montare la piattaforma di stampa della Original Prusa SL1. Related articlesQR Error codesThis is an advanced system for displaying error screens providing more useful information to the user. In case of an issue, the printer will display the name of the error followed…Leggi l'articoloDirectory not empty #10546 (SL1/SL1S)What happened? The printer is displaying the message: The directory is not empty. Error name: Directory not empty Error code: #10546 This error is shown when you try to remove…Leggi l'articoloCannot remove project #10545 (SL1/SL1S)What happened? The printer is displaying the message: Removing this project is not possible. The project is locked by a print job. Error name: Cannot remove project Error code:…Leggi l'articoloMask noavail warning #10709 (SL1/SL1S)What happened? The printer is displaying the message: Print mask is missing. Error name: Mask no avail warning Error code: #10709 This error shows when the print mask part of the…Leggi l'articoloCalibration project is invalid #10543 (SL1/SL1S)What happened? The printer is displaying the message: Calibration project is invalid. Error name: Calibration project is invalid Error code: #10543 This error is shown when the…Leggi l'articoloExpect overheating #10714 (SL1/SL1S)What happened? The printer is displaying the message: Incorrect RPM reading of the fan. The print may continue, however, there's a risk of overheating. Warning name: Expect overheating Warning…Leggi l'articoloResin low #10712 (SL1/SL1S)What happened? The printer is displaying the message: Measured resin volume is too low. The print can continue, however, a refill might be required. Warning name: Resin low Warning…Leggi l'articoloObject cropped warning #10710 (SL1/SL1S)What happened? The printer is displaying the message: Object was cropped because it does not fit the print area. Warning name: Object cropped warning Warning code: #10710 This…Leggi l'articoloWrong printer model #10544 (SL1/SL1S)What happened? The printer is displaying the message: This project was prepared for a different printer. Error name: Wrong printer model Error code: #10544 This error informs…Leggi l'articoloProject analysis failed #10542 (SL1/SL1S)What happened? The printer is displaying the message: Analysis of the project failed. Error name: Project analysis failed Error code: #10542 The printer can fail to analyze the…Leggi l'articoloProject is corrupted #10541 (SL1/SL1S)What happened? The printer is displaying the message: Opening the project failed. The file is corrupted. Please re-slice or re-export the project and try again. Error name: Project…Leggi l'articoloNot enough layers #10540 (SL1/SL1S)What happened? The printer is displaying the message: The project must have at least one layer. Error name: Not enough layers Error code: #10540 This error happens when the project…Leggi l'articoloPreload failed #10503 (SL1/SL1S)What happened? The printer is displaying the message: Image preloader did not finish successfully! Error name: Preload failed Error code: #10503 This error shows that the printer…Leggi l'articoloRemote API error #10407 (SL1/SL1S)What happened? The printer is displaying the message: This request is not compatible with the Prusa remote API. See our documentation for more details. Error name: Remote API error Error…Leggi l'articoloUnauthorized #10406 (SL1/SL1S)What happened? The printer is displaying the message: The printer uses HTTP digest security. Please enable it also in your slicer (recommended), or turn off this security option…Leggi l'articoloInvalid API key #10405 (SL1/SL1S)What happened? The printer is displaying the message: Please turn on the HTTP digest (which is the recommended security option) or update the API key. You can find it in Settings…Leggi l'articoloOriginal Prusa SL1 vs. SL1S SpeedWith a brand new high-resolution monochrome LCD, larger print platform, and all cumulative updates from the entire lifespan of the SL1, the new SL1S SPEED is a lightning-fast machine…Leggi l'articoloUnknown printer model #10323 (SL1/SL1S)What happened? The printer is displaying the message: The printer model was not detected. Error name: Unknown printer model Error code: #10323 This error happens when the printer…Leggi l'articoloResin measuring failed #10124 (SL1/SL1S)What happened? The printer is displaying the message: Measuring the resin failed. Check the presence of the platform and the amount of resin in the tank. Error name: Resin measuring…Leggi l'articoloCannot read project #10539 (SL1/SL1S)What happened? The printer is displaying the message: Opening the project failed. The file is possibly corrupted. Please re-slice or re-export the project and try again. Error…Leggi l'articoloBoost board problem #10320 (SL1S)What happened? The printer is displaying the message: Communication with the Booster board failed. Error name: Boost board problem Error code: #10320 This error happens when the…Leggi l'articoloDisconnected UV LED panel #10321 (SL1/SL1S)What happened? The printer is displaying the message: The UV LED panel is not detected. Error name: Disconnected UV LED panel Error code: #10321 This error is shown when the UV…Leggi l'articoloA64 Overheat #10207 (SL1/SL1S)What happened? The printer is displaying the message: A64 temperature is too high. Measured: [temp] °C!. Error name: A64 Overheat Error code: #10207 This error is presented when…Leggi l'articoloPrinter Variant Mismatch #10711 (SL1/SL1S)What happened? The printer is displaying the message: The model was sliced for a different printer variant [SL1/SL1S]. Your printer variant is [SL1S/SL1]. Warning name: Printer…Leggi l'articoloTop-bar Notifications (SL1/SL1S)Starting from firmware 1.5.0, the Original Prusa SL1 will show top bar notifications. If you see an envelope on the top right of the screen near the time. To see the notifications…Leggi l'articoloBrightness adjustment (SL1)Starting from firmware 1.5.0, you are able to manually set the backlight intensity in the SL1. You can also configure a screensaver timer of how long the screen should be on. You…Leggi l'articoloInvalid tilt align position #10121 (SL1/SL1S)What happened? The printer is displaying the message: Invalid tilt alignment position. Error name: Invalid tilt align position Error code: #10121 How to fix it? Use the steps below…Leggi l'articoloNot connected to network #10402 (SL1/SL1S)What happened? The printer is displaying the message: The printer is not connected to the internet, please check the connection in the Settings. Error name: Not connected to network Error…Leggi l'articoloUnexpected error #10501 (SL1/SL1S)What happened? The printer is displaying the message: "An unexpected error has occurred. If print job is in progress, it should be finished. You can turn the printer off by pressing…Leggi l'articoloParameters out of range #10707 (SL1/SL1S)What happened? The printer is displaying the message: The print parameters are out of range of the printer, the system can try to fix the project. Proceed? Error name: Parameters…Leggi l'articoloNot enough resin #10706 (SL1/SL1S)What happened? The printer is displaying the message: The amount of resin in the tank is not enough for the current project. Adding more resin will be required during the print. Error…Leggi l'articoloIncorrect printer model #10705 (SL1/SL1S)What happened? The printer is displaying the message: The model was sliced for a different printer model, please reslice. Error name: Printer model mismatch warning Error code:…Leggi l'articoloCan't copy project #10704 (SL1/SL1S)What happened? The printer is displaying the message: The internal memory is full, the project cannot be copied. You can continue printing - however, you must not remove the USB…Leggi l'articoloAmbient temperature too high #10702 (SL1/SL1S)What happened? The printer is displaying the message: The ambient temperature is too high, the print can continue, but it might fail. Error name: Ambient temp. too hot Error code:…Leggi l'articoloAmbient temperature too cold #10703 (SL1/SL1S)What happened? The printer is displaying the message The ambient temperature is too low, the print can continue, but it might fail. Error name: Ambient temp. too cold Error code:…Leggi l'articoloTower position error #10123 (SL1/SL1S)What happened? The printer is displaying the message: Tower not in the expected position. Are the platform and tank mounted and secured correctly? Error name: Tower position error Error…Leggi l'articoloDisplay test failed #10120 (SL1/SL1S)What happened? The printer is displaying the message: Display test failed, check the connection between the display and the A64 board. Error name: Display test failed Error code:…Leggi l'articoloTower check failed #10118 (SL1/SL1S)What happened? The printer is displaying the message: Tower axis check failed! Please check if the ball-screw can move smoothly in its entire range. Error name: Tower check failed Error…Leggi l'articoloTilt endstop not reached #10115 (SL1/SL1S)What happened? The printer is displaying the message: Failed to reach tilt endstop, please check that the cable is connected and repeat the action. Error name: Tilt endstop not…Leggi l'articoloTower endstop not reached #10114 (SL1/SL1S)What happened? The printer is displaying the message: Failed to reach tower endstop, please check that the tower motor is connected and repeat the action. Error name: Tower endstop…Leggi l'articoloCalibration error #10113 (SL1/SL1S)What happened? The printer is displaying the message: The printer is not calibrated. Please run the Wizard first. Error name: Not mechanically calibrated Error code: #10113 Issued…Leggi l'articoloResin too low #10108 (SL1/SL1S)What happened? The printer is displaying the message: Measured resin volume [amount] ml is lower than required for this print. Please refill the tank and restart the print. Error…Leggi l'articoloThis Wizard cannot be canceled #10522 (SL1/SL1S)What happened? The printer displaying the message: This Wizard cannot be canceled, please finish the steps. Error name: This Wizard cannot be canceled Error code: #10522 Is not…Leggi l'articoloFile not found #10518 (SL1/SL1S)What happened? The printer displaying the message: Cannot find the selected file! Error name: File not found Error code: #10518 General error when a file is not found. Possible…Leggi l'articoloFan failure #10106 (SL1/SL1S)What happened? The printer is displaying the message: Incorrect RPM reading of the fan. Please check its wiring and connection. Error name: Fan failure Error code: #10106 This…Leggi l'articoloTower moving failed #10103 (SL1/SL1S)What happened? The printer displaying the message: Moving the tower failed. Make sure there is no obstacle in its path and repeat the action. Error name: Tower moving failed Error…Leggi l'articoloAn unexpected error has occurred #10701 (SL1)What happened? The printer displaying the message: An unexpected error has occurred. Please restart the printer. Contact our tech support if the problem persists. Error name: An…Leggi l'articoloFile already exists! #10520 (SL1)What happened? The printer displaying the message: File already exists! Error name: File already exists! Error code: #10520 When initiating a transfer of files to the printer,…Leggi l'articoloInternal memory full #10516 (SL1/SL1S)What happened? The printer displaying the message: Internal memory full, please delete some of your projects first. Error name: Internal memory full Error code: #10516 Projects…Leggi l'articoloCannot get update channel #10514 (SL1)What happened? The printer displaying the message: Cannot get the update channel, please restart the printer and try again. Error name: Cannot set update channel Error code: #10514 This…Leggi l'articoloCannot set update channel #10513 (SL1/SL1S)What happened? The printer displaying the message: Cannot set the update channel, please restart the printer and try again. Error name: Cannot set update channel Error code: #10513 This…Leggi l'articoloNo file to reprint #10508 (SL1)What happened? The printer displaying the message: Error, there is no file to reprint. Error name: No file to reprint Error code: #10508 This error is displayed in case of a reprint…Leggi l'articoloInternal error (DBUS mapping failed) #10507 (SL1/SL1S)What happened? The printer displaying the message: Internal error (DBUS mapping failed), please restart the printer. Contact the support if the problem persists. Error name: Internal…Leggi l'articoloAnother action is already running #10506 (SL1/SL1S)What happened? The printer displaying the message: Another action is already running. Finish this action directly using the printer's touchscreen. Error name: Another action is…Leggi l'articoloFailed to read the configuration file #10505 (SL1)What happened? The printer displaying the message: Failed to read the configuration file. Try to reset the printer. If the problem persists, contact support. Error name: Failed…Leggi l'articoloTower homing failed #10102 (SL1/SL1S)What happened? The printer is displaying the message: Tower homing failed, make sure there is no obstacle in its path and repeat the action. Error name: Tower homing failed Error…Leggi l'articoloOpening project failed #10504 (SL1/SL1S)What happened? The printer displaying the message: Opening the project failed, the file is possibly corrupted. Please re-slice or re-export the project, try again. Error name:…Leggi l'articoloSpeaker test failed #10310 (SL1/SL1S)What happened? The printer displaying the message: Speaker test failed, please check the connection and repeat the action. Error name: Speaker test failed Error code: #10310 The…Leggi l'articoloUV led voltage error #10309 (SL1)What happened? The printer displaying the message: UV LED voltages differ too much. The LED module might be faulty, please contact our support. Error name: UV led voltage error Error…Leggi l'articoloPrinter is not UV calibrated #10308 (SL1)What happened? The printer displaying the message: The printer is not UV calibrated, please connect the UV calibrator and run the procedure. Error name: Printer is not UV calibrated Error…Leggi l'articoloResin sensor error #10307 (SL1/SL1S)What happened? The printer displays the message: The resin sensor was not triggered. Check whether the tank and the platform are properly secured. Error name: Resin sensor error Error…Leggi l'articoloUnexpected MC error #10306 (SL1/SL1S)What happened? The printer displaying the message: The motion controller has encountered an unexpected error, please restart the printer. Error name: Unexpected MC error Error…Leggi l'articoloWrong revision of motion controller #10301 (SL1)What happened? The printer displaying the message: Wrong revision of the motion controller. Please replace it or contact our support. Error name: Wrong revision of motion controller Error…Leggi l'articoloTilt homing failed #10101 (SL1/SL1S)What happened? The printer is displaying the message: Tilt homing failed, check its surroundings, and repeat the action. Error name: Tilt homing failed Error code: #10101 Issued…Leggi l'articoloSaving log file (SL1/SL1S)If you encounter an issue, we may request the log file from your Original Prusa SL1. This contains a wide range of info specific to your unit. By going to the printer menu to Settings…Leggi l'articoloDe-lamination / separated layers (SL1/SL1S)If you encounter de-lamination, separated layers, or missing layers, the cause is usually in a broken SL1/STL file. Another cause can be a faulty UV LED panel or dirt in the resin…Leggi l'articoloObject orientationObject orientation is crucial with (M)SLA printing. It greatly influences the resulting print quality and in the case of the SL1, which cures the whole layer at once, it directly…Leggi l'articoloBroken supports (SL1/SL1S)Broken supports (or missing parts of supports) are usually caused by incorrect settings in the PrusaSlicer. The supports are either too thin or the exposure time is set to a value…Leggi l'articoloLoud noises from printer (SL1/SL1S)When your printer emits loud noises, sounding like hammering onto sheet-metal. This can be caused by a firmware issue, or if resin has leaked into your printer through the tilt…Leggi l'articoloSquaring your MINIDuring transport, assembly, or maintenance (like adjusting the belt tension) the printer can become slightly skewed, where one axis may not be perpendicular (90-degree angle) to…Leggi l'articolo