
Idler screw

M3x40 screw(s) intersects the extruder horizontally and has a spring on it.

  • On the Original Prusa MK2S, idler screws should protrude by approximately 13 mm.
  • On the Original Prusa MK2.5 and MK3, the head of the idler screws (2x) should stick out about 0.5 - 1.5 mm from the extruder on the left side, when the filament is loaded. 
  • On the Original Prusa MK2.5S and MK3S, the head of the idler screw should be about flush to 1mm within the printed plastic part, when the filament is loaded.
  • On the Original Prusa MINI, the head of the idler screw should be about flush to 1mm within the printed plastic part, when the filament is loaded.
If you are experiencing extrusion issues, make sure that your extruder idler screw is properly tightened.