The MINTEMP error (written sometimes as min temp) occurs when the temperature readout from the heatbed thermistor or hotend thermistor drops below a certain amount within a certain time frame. ...
Thermal Runaway is a safety feature designed to cut power to the heaters in case of a thermistor malfunction. If your printer's thermistor would somehow dislodge itself, electronic parts would get a ...
PRINT FAN ERROR error message occurs when the print fan (the one at the front of the extruder) does not receive any RPM (Revolutions per Minute) readings. This can be caused ...
The Bed leveling failed error appears when there is something wrong with the last stage of the calibration. This calibration is the last step of XYZ calibration and is performed ...
The Preheat error message occurs when there is a problem with the preheat process before your print starts. Therefore, there is something preventing the printer from heating up in proper ...
If you see the error message “MMU load failed” on the printer’s LCD display, it indicates that the filament went through the Original Prusa MMU2S unit (registered by the F.I.N.D.A. ...
The MAXTEMP error occurs when at least one of the temperature readouts of the hotend is higher than 305 °C. It is a safety feature that prevents the printer from overheating ...
The message on your LCD saying Please open idler and remove filament manually shows up when the extruder motor does not succeed to remove the filament from the hotend/extruder. Please ...
If your MMU2S print encounters an issue it will stop mid-print and one or more of the LEDs will be blinking red. The following message will be displayed on the ...
The EXTR. FAN ERROR message appears when the extruder fan does not receive any RPM (Revolutions per Minute) readings, in other words, there is something preventing it from spinning. The extruder ...
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