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Hello, how can we help?

    General troubleshooting MMU1
    FINDA setup and troubleshooting
    MMU MCU Underpower #04307 (MMU)
    Load to extruder failed #04108 (MMU)
    MMU3 Compatibility
    Water-soluble materials (PVA/BVOH)
    Idler cannot home #04125 (MMU)
    Firmware update needed #04504 (MMU)
    Unable to unload filament MMU1
    Filament pulleys MMU1
    MMU Selftest failed #04325 (MMU)
    G-code preparation for MMU2S
    Filament jam (MMU2S)
    Warning: TMC too hot #04221 (MMU)
    Warning: TMC too hot #04211 (MMU)
    G-code preparation for MMU1
    Inspect FINDA #04107 (MMU)
    Filament change #04508 (MMU)
    FINDA: Filament Stuck #04102 (MMU)
    Warning: TMC too hot #04201 (MMU)
    Filament sensor too early #04106 (MMU)
    TMC overheat error #04222 (MMU)
    TMC overheat error #04202 (MMU)
    MMU MCU Error #04306 (MMU)
    TMC overheat error #04212 (MMU)
    Communication error #04402 (MMU)
    Unload manually #04506 (MMU)
    Filament already loaded #04501 (MMU)
    Filament ejected #04507 (MMU)
  • Packing Multi Material upgrade for return
    Invalid tool #04502 (MMU)
    ColorPrint with the MMU
    Factory Reset (MMU)
    TMC Driver reset #04322 (MMU)
    Status LED explained (MMU3)
    FINDA didn't trigger #04101 (MMU)
    How to replace PSU on MK3 printers
    Wipe tower
    Multi Material Post Processor Troubleshooting
    TMC Undervoltage error #04323 (MMU)
    Selector cannot home #04115 (MMU)
    How to replace an extruder motor (MINI/MINI+)
    TMC driver shorted #04324 (MMU)
    PrusaLink (SL1/SL1S)