If you have any questions about 3D printing in general, about your order, shipping, calibration, or troubleshooting of your printer, don't hesitate to contact us!
Make sure you have your order number, invoice, or serial number before contacting Customer support. In case you need technical support, make sure you have Photo and video documentation of the issue.
Our contact e-mail is [email protected]. Through e-mail, our Support is available in English, Czech, Spanish, French, German, Italian, and Polish. The reply time is up to three business days.
We provide full 24/7 English customer support via live chat, which you can find on the bottom right of the e-shop and the Knowledgebase. Czech support is available during business hours.
- Ordering any of our products through our online store.
- Pre-sale questions and learning more about our products.
- Checking on your pending order.
- Assembly and calibration of your newly purchased printer.
- Solving printing problems and queries.
That is where you are right now! In the Prusa Knowledge Base, you can find answers to the same questions you may ask on chat and e-mail and much more!
You can either search for topics using the search field, and read articles relevant to your printer model by selecting them on the main page, or you can browse through our seven main categories:
- Assembly manuals
- About your printer
- Calibration
- Using the printer
- Troubleshooting
- PrusaSlicer
- 3rd party accessories
- Extensive Material guides.
Handbook and Assembly manuals
Assembly and printing documentation is available in Czech, English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, and Polish.
To download the handbook, visit the Downloads page or its dedicated Knowledgebase article. Assembly manuals you will find right here in this Knowledge Base. These sections are updated regularly, so it's always better to use the online version of the documentation.
https://prusa3d.com is our company website, where you can find an overview of everything we do. It also contains the following sections:
- Our Eshop, where you can order printers, filament, and spare parts.
- Printable parts, where you can find the latest STL models for our 3D printers.
- Sample objects, where you can find some tested and approved models to print.
- Drivers and manuals, where you can find the latest drivers, manuals, and firmware versions.
Printables.com is our community platform for everything 3D printer-related. We have prepared a unique concept of a community website and we have tried to make it simple and unified all aspects of the Prusa Research community under a single login.
Here you will find:
- Our model depository and marketplace with over 50,000 prints and thousands of users who want to share their models, printing services, and skills. Here you will find not only STL files but also G-Codes for the Original Prusa printers, which you can print instantly and without effort. We check every uploaded file for potentially harmful commands (crashing nozzle to bed, overheating, etc…).
- 'Blog' - company blog where our editors publish articles about the development of our printers, the latest information about Prusa Research, and informative texts about our 3D printers or 3D printing in general.
- 'Forum' - Here you will find the main core of our community. Join discussions and share your experiences with other makers and Original Prusa owners around the world.
- 'World' - This is a map of all Prusa printers out in the wild. You can place your own marker on the map – either as a general (approximate) location or an exact one – e.g. if you are a business. You can choose from three options: if you want to help out other folks, print on demand, or just hang out.
- 'Groups' is a way to coordinate with other makers in your specific area. This concept grew exponentially when the 2020 pandemic hit, and makers had a way to coordinate their efforts in printing PPE for their local hospitals and general practitioners. That is of course only the tip of the iceberg so for more information on Groups, please have a look at our Blog article on the subject.
If you haven’t heard about Pritables before, don’t forget to check out our article and Youtube video. If you haven’t registered yet, I hope you’ll consider it now – after all, it’s the users who keep the community alive.
Our official social media accounts and channels are:
- Facebook: Prusa Research 3D printers
- Twitter: Prusa3D by Josef Prusa
- Instagram: josefprusa, Prusament.
We strongly suggest visiting our official forum at forum.prusa3d.com, where you can find plenty of tips and inspiration, as well as up-to-date information about the Original Prusa printers and upgrades.
There are plenty of unofficial places where you can find great tips regarding 3D printing. The community is vast and growing every day, and the atmosphere is usually very friendly and enthusiastic.
You can join one of our groups on Facebook:
- Original Josef Prusa i3/MK2/S/3 Owners
- Prusa Community Forum - Official Prusa SL1 Group
- There are other groups covering a wide range of languages.