
Misaligned PINDA Sensor (MK2/S)

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A misaligned P.I.N.D.A. Sensor is an issue that can be fixed by fine-tuning the printer. To do that, you need to calibrate the P.I.N.D.A. sensor position on multiple spots around the heated bed. Once we get the first three right, then you should not experience any calibration errors at all. 

Before you proceed with the checks and procedures outlined below, go through your assembly and make sure bearings/rods are lubricated, belt tension is good and that pulleys are properly secured, aligned, and free of any filament debris.

Side shift

Side shift is not very common due to the printer's design. However, the endstop can be misaligned during the assembly. To fix it, you must unscrew the Endstop and push it to its proper place. Then tighten the screws again and secure it with screws again, while holding it.

Front shift

The front shift can happen if the frame is not perfectly perpendicular to the Front and the Rear of the printer. In order to fix it, simply unscrew the M12 nuts holding it and move the frame to its designed position (either to the front or back, depending on the relative position of the P.I.N.D.A. sensor). 

Make sure the Y-axis is perfectly level - all four corners of the frame must touch the ground.

Twist shift

This is probably the most common issue with the Y-axis. Just like with the Front shift, simply unscrew the M12 bolts holding it and move the frame to the correct position.

Usually, it will be a combination of two problems. Take your time with fine-tuning, as it is crucial to achieving a proper calibration of your printer.



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Jonas Speckauskas
Does is possible to order PINDA sensor for MK2S?
Jan Kratochvíl

Hello. Please contact our support team for that.

For fixing side shift: 'you must unscrew the Endstop and push it to its proper place.' this is not actually possible on my mk2s? It is installed in a way that it cannot be moved.
Hola. Intento iniciar la calibración de la primera capa para fijar la distancia óptima entre la boquilla y la cama. Desafortunadamente, cuando me pregunta en el menú si el filamento está Cargado , le sigo si y no pasa nada, se va directamente a No. ¿Que podría estar pasando? Gracias 
Blas Palencia - Prusa Research
Hola. Parece que el sensor de filamento no está funcionando correctamente. Echa un ojo a los siguientes artículos que explican como resolver esto para el modelo MK3S/MK3S+.
Si esto no te ayuda, o tienes otro modelo de impresora, contacta a nuestro equipo de Soporte Técnico.
Un saludo,
Side Shift How can endstop adjustment help? My endstop has no play with which to set it further back -- it's always flush with the X-axis it's mounted under. PINDA is 1.5mm to the right of the heatbed calibration area -- it must be coming from somewhere else.What else can we check to fix side shift?
I somehow resolved this when I raised the PINDA probe. I'd incrementally lowered it more and more, until it was lower than the nozzle.