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How to replace xLCD (MK4/MK3.9/MK3.5)

How to replace xLCD (MK4/MK3.9/MK3.5)

How to replace xLCD (MK4/MK3.9/MK3.5)
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Last updated 8 months ago
How to replace xLCD (MK4/MK3.9/MK3.5)
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This guide will take you through the xLCD replacement on your Original Prusa MK4, MK3.9 or MK3.5.
All necessary parts are available in our eshop prusa3d.com.
Note that you have to be logged in to have access to the spare parts section.
If you're using the MK4 printer, it's essential to determine which version of the xLCD your printer has, before you start. Check the next step for more details.
MK4: xLCD versions (part 1)
MK4: xLCD versions (part 1)
MK4: xLCD versions (part 1)
This step is relevant only for the MK4 users. If you use the MK3.5 or MK3.9, please skip to the preparation step.
The xLCD version can be easily recognized by the location of the grounding connection (PE / FE) on the back of the PCB:

The newer version A - the grounding point is located on the top left hole.

(バージョンナンバー 26, 27 および それ以上)

The older version B - the grounding point (marked PE) is located on the bottom right hole.

(rev. 0.12.2, 0.12.3 etc.)
MK4: xLCD versions (part 2)
MK4: xLCD versions (part 2)
MK4: xLCD versions (part 2)
Note: There is no functional difference between the xLCD boards. The only difference is the position of the grounding point, the fastener layout and compatible printed parts.
If your printer uses the newer version A, you can continue to replace just the xLCD board itself.
The xLCD version A is the one you can get from the eshop.
If your printer uses the older version B, you have to also replace the plastic parts, together with the xLCD itself.

We recommend getting the xLCD - printed parts & fasteners package from the eshop.

The printable parts are also available on Printables.com.
Unload filament from the printer and remove the spool holder.
Tools necessary for this chapter
Tools necessary for this chapter
Tools necessary for this chapter
For this chapter, please prepare:
2.5mm ball-end Allen key
T10 key (depending on the fasteners used on your version of the xLCD)
If you’re upgrading the plastic parts on your MK4 to the newer version, you might optionally also need these tools for removing the M3nS nuts:
1.5mm Allen key (optional, for removing the M3nS nuts)
Look from above. Remove the four M3x10 screws holding the xLCD assembly in place.
Disconnect the Faston connector.
Note that position of the connector might differ, depending on the xLCD version you have.
Disconnect the xLCD cable.
xLCD Disassembly (part 1)
xLCD Disassembly (part 1)
xLCD Disassembly (part 1)
Remove the xLCD knob by pulling it up.
Remove the M3x8 screws holding the xLCD-support-left part.

There might be two or three screws, depending on the xLCD version you have. 

You might need to use the 2.5mm Allen key or the T10 key, depending on the fasteners used on your version.
Remove the xLCD-support-left plastic part.
On the Version B, there is a faston connector underneath the plastic part. Remove it.
xLCD Disassembly (part 2)
xLCD Disassembly (part 2)
xLCD Disassembly (part 2)
xLCD Disassembly (part 2)
Remove the M3x8 screw in the marked location.
On the version A, there is a faston connector held by the screw. Remove it.
Remove the M3x8 screw holding the xLCD-support-right.
Remove the xLCD together with the xLCD-support-right by lifting it up.
Remove the xLCD-support-right plastic part.
Parts preparation (part 1)
Parts preparation (part 1)
For the following steps, please prepare:
xLCD (1x) version A
xLCD-cover (1x) compatible with the version A.
xLCD-support-left (1x) compatible with the version A
xLCD-support-right (1x) compatible with the version A
xReflector sticker set (1x) from the spare parts package bundled with your printer
The list continues in the next step...
Parts preparation (part 2)
Parts preparation (part 2)
M3x8 screw (4x) The ones you removed earlier, or the ones bundled to the "xLCD - printed parts & fasteners"
M3nS nut (4x) Needed only, if you’re upgrading from the version B to the Version A. Use the ones from the spare parts package bundled with your printer.
Faston connector 6.3x0.8 (1x) the one you removed earlier.
xLCD assembly (Version upgrade)
xLCD assembly (Version upgrade)
xLCD assembly (Version upgrade)
xLCD assembly (Version upgrade)
This step is valid only if you’re upgrading your xLCD from the version B to the version A.
Insert two M3nS nuts into the new xLCD-support-left and xLCD-support-right parts.
Peel the xReflector strip off the protective layer and apply it into the marked area on the inside of the new xLCD cover.
xリフレクターステッカーストリップを xLCD カバーに向けて押し、正しく密着させます。
Assembling the xLCD-support-right
Assembling the xLCD-support-right
Assembling the xLCD-support-right
Assembling the xLCD-support-right
Place the xLCD-support-right onto the USB-connector-side of the new xLCD board. Notice there is a small hook that goes around the circuit board.
Make sure the hook on the xLCD-support-right holds onto the xLCD board now. Otherwise, you won't be able to attach it later.
Installing the Faston connector
Installing the Faston connector
Installing the Faston connector
Installing the Faston connector
Place the Faston connector onto the top left hole in the xLCD.
Orient Faston connector according to the picture. The bent part must point away from the xLCD-support printed part.
Secure the Faston connector using the M3x8 screw, while maintaining its position.
Assembling the xLCD-support-left
Assembling the xLCD-support-left
Assembling the xLCD-support-left
Connecting the cables
Connecting the cables
Connecting the cables
Connect the xLCD cable to the xLCD board. Note the safety latch on the xLCD cable connector. It must point towards the triangle symbol on the board.
Make sure the xLCD cable is connected in the same orientation as seen in the picture. Otherwise, your display won't work.
Attach the grounding cable to the Faston connector and push it all the way in.
Attaching the knob
Attaching the knob
Attaching the knob
Attach the xLCD-knob onto the xLCD encoder shaft and push it all the way in.
Note that there is a flat part on the encoder shaft. There is a geometry on the inside of the knob that should align with the flat part to seat.

Attach the xLCD assembly onto the front plate of the printer’s frame. The screws should fit through the openings and engage into the xLCD assembly.

xLCD と PEケーブルをフロントプレートの下からフレームに導きます。
4本 すべてのネジを締めこみます。
Turn the printer on and test the xLCD functionality.
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