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How to replace the tch-profile-insert (XL)


How to replace the tch-profile-insert (XL)

How to replace the tch-profile-insert (XL)
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Last updated 5 months ago
How to replace the tch-profile-insert (XL)
Very difficult
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This guide will take you through the replacement of the tch-profile-insert on the Original Prusa XL.
Keep all the parts of the printer you have dismantled. Don't throw away any screws!
Do not relocate the printer while following instructions! Maintain it in a stationary position.
It is recommended to position the printer in a way that ensures accessibility from all sides. At least from the front, rear and right side.
Note: This guide involves advanced steps and demands user proficiency. Follow the instructions attentively and with precision.
Torque indicator
Torque indicator
Before you begin the printer surgery, print out the Torque indicator that is required for this procedure.
The Torque indicator is included in semi-assembly XL versions.
Download the Torque-indicator from Printables.com.
It can be found in Files -> Others.
Read the Print instructions before printing.
Do not proceed without this tool. It is essential for this procedure.
If you are unable to print the part, please contact our customer support [email protected].
Tools necessary for this manual
Tools necessary for this manual
Tools necessary for this manual
Tools necessary for this manual
The package includes:
Torx T10 screwdriver
2.5mm Allen key
3.0mm Allen key
4.0 mm Allen key
Universal wrench
Torque indicator for 3.0mm Allen key
Filament sensor detaching
Filament sensor detaching
Filament sensor detaching
Proceed with this step only if the second side filament sensor is attached to the printer (right side). If not, skip this step.
Using a 2.5mm Allen key, unscrew the M3x10 screw holding the filament sensor.
By pressing the safety latch, disconnect the filament sensor cable from the filament sensor.
Belt release
Belt release
Belt release
Belt release
On the front side of the printer:
Using a 2.5mm Allen key, release the M3 screw holding the left CoreXY tensioner. Do not remove the screw completely.
Using a 2.5mm Allen key, release the M3 screw holding the right CoreXY tensioner. Do not remove the screw completely.
Gently tension the belt with your finger. If the belt exhibits a similar level of looseness as depicted in the picture, proceed to the next step.
CAUTION: Lubricant Handling
CAUTION: Lubricant Handling
CAUTION: Lubricant Handling
CAUTION: Avoid direct skin contact with the lubricant used for the linear rails in this printer. If a contact occurs, wash your hands immediately. Especially before eating, drinking, or touching your face.
Lubricant accumulates mainly in the linear rail channels on the linear sides.
Belt clamps removing
Belt clamps removing
Belt clamps removing
Belt clamps removing
Using the T10 Torx screwdriver, remove two M3x12rT screws holding the lower belt-clamp. Remove the belt-clamp.
Using the T10 Torx screwdriver, remove two M3x12rT screws holding the upper belt-clamp. Remove the belt-clamp.
With the belt-clamps removed, proceed to the next step.
Belts removing
Belts removing
Belts removing
Belts removing
Grasp the bottom belt on the left side of the CoreXY and pull the belt out of the printer.
Grasp the upper belt on the right side of the CoreXY and pull the belt out of the printer.
Compare your printer with the image. Then, proceed to the next step
CoreXY cover release
CoreXY cover release
CoreXY cover release
On the rear side of the printer:
Using the T10 Torx screwdriver, remove four M3x6bT screws holding the CoreXY cover.
Using the T10 Torx screwdriver, remove two M3x6bT screws holding the CoreXY cover.
CoreXY cover remove
CoreXY cover remove
CoreXY cover remove
CoreXY cover remove
On the inner side of the CoreXY cover, unplug the PE connector.
Leave the PE connector free.
Gently remove the CoreXY cover from the printer.
Back covers remove
Back covers remove
Back covers remove
Using the T10 Torx screwdriver, loosen four M3x8rT screws holding the XL-buddy-box-cover. Do not remove the screws, a few turns are enough. Remove the cover.
Using the T10 Torx screwdriver, remove four M3x4rT screws holding the rear-cable-management-upper. Remove the cover.
Be aware of cables.
Cables releasing
Cables releasing
Cables releasing
Cables releasing
Cut and remove four zip ties holding the cables.
Avoid cutting cables!
By pressing the safety latch, disconnect the left XY motor from the connector.
By pressing the safety latch, disconnect the Led light 1 from the connector.
Cable cover removing
Cable cover removing
Cable cover removing
Remove the Extrusion cover 354 mm.
Using the 2.5mm Allen key, remove the M3x10 screw.
Remove the frame-rear-cover.
CoreXY metal cover remove
CoreXY metal cover remove
CoreXY metal cover remove
CoreXY metal cover remove
From the right side of the printer:
Using the T10 Torx screwdriver, remove three M3x6bT screws.
From the front-upper side, remove one M3x6bT screw using the T10 Torx screwdriver.
Push the cover from the inner side and remove the CoreXY cover.
CoreXY back disassembly
CoreXY back disassembly
CoreXY back disassembly
CoreXY back disassembly
Gently remove the Led light1 cable from the CoreXY back and remove the Led strip.
Using the 2.5mm Allen key, remove four M3x10 screws.
Remove the XY motor.
CoreXY back removing
CoreXY back removing
CoreXY back removing
Insert the 4mm Allen key through the hole and remove the M8x16 screw.
Remove the CoreXY-back from the printer.
Remove the mounting-insert-spacer.
Left side panel removing
Left side panel removing
Left side panel removing
From the left side of the printer:
Using the T10 screwdriver, remove ten M3x8rT screws.
Remove the side panel.
Z-Axis bearing releasing
Z-Axis bearing releasing
Z-Axis bearing releasing
Z-Axis bearing releasing
Using the 2.5mm Allen key, remove two M3x10 screws holding the Z-Axis-bearing-housing.
Using the 2.5mm Allen key, remove one M3x10 screw holding the linear rail.
Using the 2.5mm Alle key, remove five M3x8 screws holding the linear rail.
Groundings replacing
Groundings replacing
Groundings replacing
Groundings replacing
Using the T10 Torx screwdriver, untighten the M3x8rT screw. A few turns are enough.
Reposition the metal grounding a few centimeters higher to make space for the torque indicator.
Do the same with the grounding on the opposite side.
Excellent, the required space for the torque indicator has been successfully created.
Assembling the Torque indicator
Assembling the Torque indicator
Assembling the Torque indicator
Assembling the Torque indicator
Insert the 3mm Allen key into the torque indicator.
Put on the Allen key handle from the other side.
The assembled torque indicator looks like this.
CoreXY assembly releasing
CoreXY assembly releasing
CoreXY assembly releasing
Insert the shorter side of the 3mm Allen key into the screw securing the Z-axis extrusion.
Release the screw with the 3mm Allen key.
Repeat this process for all CoreXY assembly M4x12 screws holding the Z-axis extrusions.
Do not dismatnle the torque indicator, we'll use it in the next steps.
Z-axis extrusion releasing
Z-axis extrusion releasing
Z-axis extrusion releasing
Insert the shorter side of the 3mm Allen key into the screw securing the Z-axis extrusion.
Using the 3mm Allen key, loosen the M4x12 screw holding the extrusions together. Do not remove the screw completely.
Repeat this process for all four M4x12 screws. Do not remove the screws completely.
CoreXY assembly back releasing
CoreXY assembly back releasing
CoreXY assembly back releasing
Insert the shorter side of the 3mm Allen key into the screw securing the Y-axis extrusion.
Using the 3mm Allen key, loosen the M4x12 screw holding the extrusions together. Do not remove the screw completely.
Repeat this process for the second M4x12 screw on the other side of the extrusion. Do not remove the screws completely.
Torque indicator disassembly
Torque indicator disassembly
Torque indicator disassembly
Torque indicator disassembly
Pull out the handle from the 3mm Allen key.
Pull out the 3mm Allen key from the torque indicator.
The 3mm Allen key is ready for the next steps.
CoreXY assembly releasing
CoreXY assembly releasing
CoreXY assembly releasing
Insert the longer side of the 3mm Allen key into the screw securing the Z-axis extrusion.
Loosen and remove the M4x12 screw.
Repeat this process for the remaining three M4x12 screws.
CoreXY assembly back releasing
CoreXY assembly back releasing
CoreXY assembly back releasing
Insert the longer side of the 3mm Allen key into the screw securing the Y-axis extrusion.
Loosen and remove the M4x12 screw.
Repeat this process for the second M4x12 screw on the other side of the extrusion.
Back panel releasing
Back panel releasing
Using the T10 Torx screwdriver, remove two M3x8rT screws from the back panel.
Great job! The CoreXY and Z-axis extrusions have been released, and we are ready to proceed.
Y-axis detaching
Y-axis detaching
Y-axis detaching
Grasp the Y-axis with your hand.
Pull out the Y-axis from the X-axis extrusion.
Y-axis replacing
Y-axis replacing
Y-axis replacing
With your left hand, grasp the Y-axis extrusion. With your right hand hold the Z-axis extrusion.
Gently pull out the Y-axis from the Z-axis extrusion.
Using both hands, very carefully move the Y-axis extrusion to the left.
Centering pin removing
Centering pin removing
Centering pin removing
Centering pin removing
Using the 5.5mm spanner, release and remove the centering pin.
Remove the profile-connection-plate.
Slide the damaged tch-profile-insert out of the printer.
Tch-profile replacing
Tch-profile replacing
Tch-profile replacing
Tch-profile replacing
Insert the new tch-profile-insert into the extrusion.
The orientation of the part doesn't matter.
Attach the profile-connection-plate onto four grub screws on the end of the extrusion. The plate must be in a horizontal position.
Check the plate. The plate must be in a horizontal position.
Insert the centering pin.
Using a 5,5mm spanner key, tighten the screw.
Profile-insert replacing
Profile-insert replacing
Profile-insert replacing
Replace the old profile-insert with the new profile-insert into the extrusion as described in the picture.
Align both profile-insert with the end of the extrusion.
Y-axis extrusion align
Y-axis extrusion align
Y-axis extrusion align
Y-axis extrusion align
Gently and slowly move the Y-axis to the right. Align the Y-axis to fit the corner extrusions.
Insert the Y-axis onto rear Z-axis extrusion.
Insert the assembled Y-axis and Z-axis extrusions into the X-axis extrusion.
Check that the profiles are aligned and fit into the profile-connection-plates.
Y-axis securing
Y-axis securing
Y-axis securing
Y-axis securing
Insert the M4x12 screw into the profile-connection-plate and tighten the screw using a 3mm Allen key.
Insert the M4x12 screw into the profile-connection-plate and tighten the screw using a 3mm Allen key.
Insert and tighten the M4x12 screws on the opposite side of the X-axis extrusion.
Z-axis front extrusion securing
Z-axis front extrusion securing
Z-axis front extrusion securing
Z-axis front extrusion securing
From the left side of the printer:
There's a hole in the extrusion that the pin has to fit into.
Align the Z-axis front extrusion with the hole in the Y-axis extrusion.
Insert the M4x12 screw and tighten the screw using a 3mm Allen key.
Insert the M4x12 screws into the inner sides of the Z-axis extrusions and tighten them using a 3mm Allen key.
Assembling the Torque indicator
Assembling the Torque indicator
Assembling the Torque indicator
Assembling the Torque indicator
Insert the 3mm Allen key into the torque indicator.
Put on the Allen key handle from the other side.
The assembled torque indicator looks like this.
Securing the CoreXY
Securing the CoreXY
Securing the CoreXY
Securing the CoreXY
From the rear side of the printer:
Prepare the 3mm Allen key with the torque indicator.
Insert the M4x12 screw, insert the shorter side of the 3mm Allen key into the screw securing the CoreXY assembly.
Tighten the screw till you reach the "OK" line on the indicator and the 3mm Allen key is slightly bent.
Repeat this procedure on all M4x12 screws inserted into the Z-axis extrusions.
Securing the Z-axis extrusions
Securing the Z-axis extrusions
Securing the Z-axis extrusions
From the right side of the printer:
Insert the M4x12 screw, insert the shorter side of the 3mm Allen key into the screw securing the CoreXY assembly.
Tighten the screw till you reach the "OK" line on the indicator and the 3mm Allen key is slightly bent.
Repeat this procedure on all M4x12 screws inserted into the Z-axis extrusions.
Back panel securing
Back panel securing
Back panel securing
Insert and tighten two M3x8rT screws in the back panel using the T10 Torx screwdriver.
Insert the extrusion-cover in to the front extrusion.
Grounding replacing
Grounding replacing
Grounding replacing
Push down the grounding till it reaches the M4 screw head, using the T10 Torx screwdriver tighten the M3x8rT screw.
Repeat the process for the second grounding on the other extrusion.
Z-axis bearing securing
Z-axis bearing securing
Z-axis bearing securing
Z-axis bearing securing
From the inner side of the Z-axis:
Insert the M3x8 screws into the linear rail as described in the picture. Tighten them using the 2.5mm Allen key.
Insert the M3x10 screw into the top hole in the linear rail and secure the screw using the 2.5mm Allen key.
Install the Z-Axis bearing housing onto the M3nEs nuts.
Fix it in place by two M3x10 screws using the 2.5mm Allen key.
Left side panel attaching
Left side panel attaching
Left side panel attaching
Left side panel attaching
From the right side of the printer:
Adjust cover-slips in places, use the pictures as reference:
If the cover-clips fall off from the extrusion. Insert the cover clips vertically into the extrusion and turn the clip by 90° so secure it.
Attach the side panel.
Insert and tighten ten M3x8rT screws using a T10 screwdriver.
If the screw cannot pass through the cover clip, slide the cover clip by hand from the other side of the plate.