⬢For the following steps, please prepare:
⬢スプールホルダーベース (4個)
⬢スプールホルダーガイド (1個)
⬢スプールホルダー車輪 (4個)
Wheels shipped after April 2024 are made of POM. We recommend using this version over the earlier models made from ABS.
⬢PTFE holder (1x)
Repeat the same steps for the remaining Spool holders, until you assemble all five.
(Don't forget about the foam pads on the bottom!)
There are protrusions on each side of the Guide part.
If you have a question about something that isn't covered here, check out our additional resources.
And if that doesn't do the trick, you can send an inquiry to [email protected] or through the button below.