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LCD メニュー (XLマルチツール)

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Original Prusa XLはカラー液晶画面を搭載しており、特にGコードサムネイルとQRコードに対応しています。

ツールヘッドが1つのXLバージョンについては、LCD メニュー (XLシングルツール)をご覧ください。



常に最新の 最新ファームウェア を使用してください。


  • Print
  • Preheat
      • PLA
      • PETG
      • ASA
      • PC
      • PVB
      • ABS
      • HIPS
      • PP
      • FLEX
      • PA
      • Cooldown
  • Filament
      • Load filament
      • Unload filament
      • Change filament
      • Purge filament
      • Change Filament in All Tools
          • Tool 1 Filament
          • Tool 2 Filament
          • Tool 3 Filament
          • Tool 4 Filament
          • Tool 5 Filament
          • Carry Out the Changes
  • Control
      •  Pick/Park Tool
          • Park Current Tool
          • Pick Tool 1
          • Pick Tool 2
          • Pick Tool 3
          • Pick Tool 4
          • Pick Tool 5
      • Move axis
          • Move X
          • Move Y
          • Move Z
          • Move E
          • Cooldown
      • Temperature
          • Heatbed temperature
          • Nozzle 1 temperature
          • Nozzle 2 temperature
          • Nozzle 3 temperature
          • Nozzle 4 temperature
          • Nozzle 5 temperature
          • Print fan speed
          • Cooldown
      • Autohome
      • Set ready
      • Disable motors
      • Calibrations & Tests
          • 1 Fan Test
          • 2 Y Axis Test
          • 3 X Axis Test
          • 4 Z Alignment Calibration
          • 5 Dock Position Calibration
          • 6 Loadcell Test
          • 7 Z Axis Test
          • 8 Nozzle Heaters Test
          • 9 Filament Sensor Calibration
          • 10 Tool Offset Calibration
          • 11 Bed Heater Test
  • Settings
      • Filament Sensor
      • Fan check
      • Crash Detection
      • Tools
          • Tool 1
              • Nozzle Diameter
              • Dock X
              • Dock Y
              • Calibrate Dock Position
              • Calibrate Filament Sensor
              • Pickup Tool
          • Tool 2
          • Tool 3
          • Tool 4
          • Tool 5
          • Park Current Tool
      • Input Shaper
          • X-axis filter
          • X-axis frequency
          • Y-axis filter
          • Y-axis frequency
      • User Interface
          • Footer
          • Sort Files [Time/Name]
          • Print Progress Screen [OFF, 30 s - 200 s]
          • Menu Timeout
          • Sound Mode [Loud/Silent/Assist/Once]
          • For filament change, preheat [Nozzle/Noz&Bed]
          • RGB Status Bar
          • RGB Side Strip
          • Tool Light
      • Language & Time
          • Language
          • Time Zone Offset
          • Time Format
      • Network
          • Prusa Link
              • Enabled
              • Generate Password
              • User
              • Password
          • Prusa Connect
              • Enabled
              • Status
              • Error
              • Add printer to Connect
              • Load Settings
          • Default [Eth/Wi-fi]
          • IPv4 Address
          • MAC address
          • Metrics &Log
              • What is this?
              • Allow [None/Only Stored/Any Host]
              • Enable Stored on Startup
              • Stored Configuration
              • Current configuration
              • Log Port
          • Ethernet
              • Protocol
              • LAN
              • IPv4 Address
              • IPv4 Netmask
              • IPv4 Gateway
              • MAC Address
          • Wi-Fi
              • Create Credentials
              • Load Credentials
              • Protocol
              • LAN
              • IPv4 Address
              • IPv4 Netmask
              • IPv4 Gateway
              • MAC Address
      • Hardware
          • G-code checks
              • Nozzle Diameter [Warn/Strict/None]
              • Printer Model [Warn/Strict/None]
              • Firmware Version [Warn/Strict/None]
              • G-code Level [Warn/Strict/None]
          • Side FSensor Remap
          • Heat Entire Bed
          • Crash Sensitivity XY
          • Filament Autoloading
      • FW update
      •  System
          • Save Crash Dump
          • Device Hash in QR
          • Load Settings from File
          • Factory Reset
              • Reset Settings & Calibrations
              • Hard Reset (USB with FW needed)
  • Info
      • Sensor Info
          • Heatbreak 1Temp
          • Heatbreak 2 Temp
          • Heatbreak 3 Temp
          • Heatbreak 4 Temp
          • Heatbreak 5 Temp
          • Board Temperature
          • Bed Temperature
          • Nozzle 1 Temperature
          • Nozzle 2 Temperature
          • Nozzle 3 Temperature
          • Nozzle 4 Temperature
          • Nozzle 5 Temperature
          • Dwarf Board Temp
          • Loadcell Value
          • Tool Filament Sensor
          • Side Filament Sensor
          • Print Fan
          • Heatbreak Fan
          • Input Voltage
          • 5V Voltage
          • Sandwich 5V Current
          • XL Buddy 5V Current
      • Version info
          • Firmware Version
          • Bootloader Version
          • Buddy Board
          • Serial Number
          • xLCD
      • Print Statistics
          • Fail Stats
              • Power Failures
              • Last Print Crashes on X Axis
              • Last Print Crashes on Y Axis
              • Crashes on X Axis
              • Crashes on Y Axis
          • Statistics
              • X-axis
              • Y-axis
              • Z -axis
          • Filament
              • Tool 1
              • Tool 2
              • Tool 3
              • Tool 4
              • Tool 5
          • Tools changed
              • Tool 1
              • Tool 2
              • Tool 3
              • Tool 4
              • Tool 5
          • Print Time
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