Release the two M3x10 screws holding the ext-cable holder on top of the xBuddy box.
The cable management is different between the factory-built MK4, the MK4 built as an upgrade of an earlier printer model, and the MK3.9 / MK3.5.
For example, some versions of the printer might be utilizing cable adapters for some of the motor cables. See the two pictures for a comparison.
There are yellow collets on each motor cable, denoting which axis is driven by a given motor.
Using the 2.5mm Allen key, remove the M3x6 screw holding the PE cable connector and remove it.
X-holder (1x) optional
Fix the cable bundle in place using just the two zip-ties on the bottom. Tighten the zip-tie just so that the cables hold in place. Carefully cut off the leftover zip-tie.
Insert the cable bundle from the extruder and the X-axis motor back into the xBuddy box.
Re-install the cable holder back onto the top of the xBuddy box. Make sure none of the cables get pinched.
Tighten the two zip-ties just so that the cable bundle holds in place. Carefully cut off the leftover zip-tie.
Re-install the the two heatbed power cables into the terminals. Note that the positive (+ / red) cable goes into the terminal on the right.
Using the Phillips screwdriver, fully tighten the terminals.
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