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How to replace a hotend heater (MK3S/MK3S+)

How to replace a hotend heater (MK3S/MK3S+)

How to replace a hotend heater (MK3S/MK3S+)
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Last updated 2 years ago
How to replace a hotend heater (MK3S/MK3S+)
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This guide will take you through the replacement of the hotend heater on the Original Prusa i3 MK3S and MK3S+.
Some parts might slightly differ. However, it does not affect the procedure.
All necessary parts are available in our eshop prusa3d.com.
Note that you have to be logged in to have access to the spare parts section.
Tools necessary for this guide
Tools necessary for this guide
Tools necessary for this guide
Tools necessary for this guide
For this guide, please prepare:
2.0 mm Allen key
2.5 mm Allen key
Needle-nose pliers
Flat screwdriver tip width 2.5 mm (3/32")
Cloth or piece of fabric 15x15cm
Preparing the printer
Preparing the printer
Turn the printer off and unplug it!
Before you proceed, it is recommended to protect the heatbed.
Take off the flexible steel sheet.
Use any cloth or piece of fabric, which is thick enough and cover the heatbed. This will ensure you won't damage (scratch) the surface during the disassembly.
Disconnecting the hotend heater
Disconnecting the hotend heater
Disconnecting the hotend heater
Disconnecting the hotend heater
Cut the two zip ties on the cable bundle. Avoid cutting the cables!
Release two screws on the cable clip and remove the clip.
Disconnect the hotend heater cable from the Einsy electronics board.
Removing the textile sleeve
Removing the textile sleeve
Removing the textile sleeve
Removing the textile sleeve
Remove the textile sleeve from the cable bundle from the Einsy case to the cable-holder on the extruder.
Cut the two lower zip ties on the cable holder. Avoid cutting the cables.
Do not cut the upper three zip ties.
If you have a zip tie on the heater cable and the thermistor cable, carefully cut it off.
Removing the heater
Removing the heater
Removing the heater
Using the 2mm Allen key, loosen the black round head screw on the underside of the heaterblock. No need to release the screw completely.
Using the Allen key gently push the hotend heater out of the heaterblock.
Removing the connector
Removing the connector
Remove the hotend heater completely from the printer and put it aside.
Using the flat screwdriver, loosen both screws in the connector. No need to remove them completely.
Pull out both wires from the connector.
Do not throw the connector away. We will use it again later.
New hotend heater: parts preparation
New hotend heater: parts preparation
New hotend heater: parts preparation
New hotend heater: parts preparation
For the following steps, please prepare:
New hotend heater (1x)
Molex connector (1x) reused from the old heater or if damaged, buy a new one in our eshop.
Zip tie (2x)
WARNING: Be very careful with the hotend wires, handle them with care.
Assembling the new heater
Assembling the new heater
Insert both heater cables all the way into the Molex connector. The order of the cables doesn't matter.
Tighten two screws on the connector by the flat screwdriver.
Make sure the cables are fully inserted and tightened, this is very crucial!
Installing the new hotend heater
Installing the new hotend heater
Installing the new hotend heater
Installing the new hotend heater
Insert the new hotend heater into the heaterblock from the left side of the extruder (hotend fan side).
Adjust the hotend heater so that the wires don't cross, but rather go parallel one above another. See the second picture.
Center the heater so it sits in the middle of the heaterblock.
Hold the heater cables with one hand so that they keep pointing towards the back of the extruder (X-carriage).
Using your other hand, carefully tighten the black round screw on the underside of the heaterblock.
After fixing the heater in place, it does not matter if the cables hang down slightly for a while. But do not pull on them! We will soon arrange them into a final position.
Guiding the hotend thermistor cables
Guiding the hotend thermistor cables
Guiding the hotend thermistor cables
Make sure the hotend thermistor cables (thinner pair) are going above the heater cables. If not, guide them according to the picture.
Guiding the thermistor cables below the heater cables may cause issues later.
Tightening the textile sleeve
Tightening the textile sleeve
Tightening the textile sleeve
Tightening the textile sleeve
Use two zip ties and push them through the upper slots on the cable-holder.
ATTENTION! Before tightening the zip ties add the cables from the hotend. Use the channel in the printed part to arrange them properly.
Once the hotend cables are included, tighten the zip ties and cut the remaining parts.
Open the textile sleeve and insert the cables from the hotend.
Compare the look of the cable management with the last picture.
Guiding the textile sleeve
Guiding the textile sleeve
Guiding the textile sleeve
Guiding the textile sleeve
Wrap the entire length of the sleeve around the cable bundle.
Using your fingers gently twist the sleeve (not the cables) and create several wraps. This will prevent the cables inside to slip out during the printing.
Twisting the sleeve will effectively shorten its length, so then the nylon filament inside the cable bundle can easily reach the hole in the plastic electronics box (Einsy-base).
Push the nylon filament into the hole in the plastic cable clip on the einsy-base.
Ensure the nylon filament isn't pushing the motor cables and if needed slightly unwrap the sleeve and push the filament up.
Slide the sleeve in the holder at least 3/4 of the holder's height.
Use the Extruder-cable-clip and two M3x10 screws to fix the cable bundle in place.
Connecting the hotend heater cable
Connecting the hotend heater cable
Connecting the hotend heater cable
Connecting the hotend heater cable
Connect the hotend heater cable to the slot on the Einsy board.
Guide the cable according to the picture.
Fix the cable bundle with two zip ties inside the Einsy-base.
Close the Einsy-doors and secure it by tightening the M3x40 screw from the back of the Einsy-base. Ensure no cable is pinched.
Make sure the M3nS nut inside the Einsy-doors is in place and does not fall.
Final check
Final check
Final check
Final check
NOTE: Before these steps remove the protective cloth from the heatbed.
WARNING: Avoid touching the HOT nozzle!!!
Plug in the printer and turn it ON.
On the printer's screen navigate to the Preheat menu.
Select PLA.
Navigate back to the Main screen and check if the temperature rises.
Well done!
Well done!
Great job! You successfully replaced the hotend heater on the extruder.
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