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How to install the Nextruder V6 Nozzle Adapter (MK4S/MK3.9S)

How to install the Nextruder V6 Nozzle Adapter (MK4S/MK3.9S)

How to install the Nextruder V6 Nozzle Adapter (MK4S/MK3.9S)
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Last updated a month ago
How to install the Nextruder V6 Nozzle Adapter (MK4S/MK3.9S)
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This guide will take you through the installation of the Nextruder V6 Nozzle Adapter on the Original Prusa MK4S and MK3.9S.
The following instructions are compatible with all V6 Nozzle diameters.
All necessary parts are available in our eshop prusa3d.com.
Note that you have to be logged in to have access to the spare parts section.
Tools necessary for this chapter
Tools necessary for this chapter
Tools necessary for this chapter
For this chapter, please prepare:
Wrench 13-16
Universal wrench
Cloth or piece of fabric 15x15 cm to protect the heatbed
Small brass brush for cleaning the nozzle
Preparing the printer
Preparing the printer
Unload the filament from the printer.
It's recommended to take off the spool holder from the printer.
Move the Z-axis to the center position to easily access the extruder from the top and bottom.
Cleaning the hotend
Cleaning the hotend
Cleaning the hotend
Cleaning the hotend
WARNING: The hotend and heatbed are very HOT. Do not touch these parts!!!
For the following steps, it is necessary to have the heaterblock and the hotend clean from the remains of the filament. Otherwise, it can be difficult to release the nozzle.
If you have a Prusa hotend sock on the hotend, remove it.
On the printer screen, go to Control -> Temperature -> Nozzle Temperature and using the knob set 250°C.
Wait at least 5 minutes. The remains of the filament must be warmed up slightly so that they can be removed more easily.
Using the brass brush, carefully clean the heaterblock and the hotend from the filament residue. Avoid contact of the brush with the hotend cables, as this could cause a short circuit.
When the heaterblock and the hotend are perfectly clean, cool down the printer. On the screen, navigate to Preheat -> Cooldown.
Wait until the hot parts are cooled down to ambient temperature. It takes approximately 10 minutes.
Protecting the heatbed
Protecting the heatbed
Turn the printer OFF and unplug the power cable from the PSU (Power Supply Unit).
Make sure the printer parts - print head and heatbed are cooled down at room temperature.
Before proceeding any further, it is recommended to protect the heatbed first!
Take off the print sheet.
Use any cloth or piece of fabric, which is thick enough and cover the heatbed. This will ensure you won't damage (scratch) the surface during the disassembly.
Disconnecting the hotend cables
Disconnecting the hotend cables
Disconnecting the hotend cables
Disconnecting the hotend cables
Each connector has a safety latch. It is necessary to press the latch before disconnecting. Otherwise, the connector may get damaged.
Disconnect the hotend heater cable.
Disconnect the hotend thermistor cable.
Removing the hotend
Removing the hotend
Removing the hotend
Remove the hotend cables from the cable channel.
Grasp the hotend with your hand.
Use your other hand to loosen the two thumb screws. There is no need to remove them completely, a few turns are enough.
Slide out the hotend assembly from the heatsink.
Removing the Prusa Nozzle
Removing the Prusa Nozzle
Removing the Prusa Nozzle
Removing the Prusa Nozzle
If you have the silicone sock on the heaterblock, remove it.
Using the wrench 13-16 grasp the heaterblock.
Using the 7mm cutout in the universal wrench, grasp the nozzle and loosen it.
Manually release and remove the Prusa nozzle from the hotend assembly.
Installing the Nextruder V6 Nozzle Adapter
Installing the Nextruder V6 Nozzle Adapter
Installing the Nextruder V6 Nozzle Adapter
Installing the Nextruder V6 Nozzle Adapter
From the side with cables, screw the Nextruder V6 Nozzle Adapter to the heaterblock.
Hold the heaterblock in your hand and tighten the Nextruder V6 Nozzle Adapter by the universal wrench.
From the opposite side of the heaterblock, screw in the V6 nozzle. Tighten the nozzle gently but firmly.
A gap of approximately two millimeters is left between the nozzle and the heaterblock, which is correct.
Inserting the hotend
Inserting the hotend
Inserting the hotend
Inserting the hotend
Locate the hole in the heatsink from the bottom of the extruder and insert the hotend into the heatsink.
At the same time, push the hotend cable behind the heatsink fan up to the electronics.
Do not tighten the thumb screws to secure the hotend yet! Wait for the instruction.
Connect the hotend thermistor to the top left slot on the LoveBoard.
Connect the hotend heater to the black slot on the upper part of the LoveBoard.
Keep the hotend assembly hanging on cables. Avoid pulling on the hotend.
Hotend insertion check
Hotend insertion check
Hotend insertion check
Verify that the nozzle is fully inserted. The copper ring on the nozzle should not be visible if it’s properly seated.
If not fully inserted, poor heat transfer may occur, potentially leading to issues like nozzle clogs.
To adjust the nozzle position, loosen the thumbscrews, reposition the nozzle, and then retighten the screws, while pushing the hotend assembly up.
Tightening the nozzle
Tightening the nozzle
Tightening the nozzle
Tightening the nozzle
In the following steps, we will need to heat up the nozzle. Avoid touching the HOT parts on the hotend.
Remove the cloth from the heatbed!
Plug the power cord to the printer and turn it ON.
Now, you will need to set the nozzle temperature to 250°C. On the printer screen, navigate to Control -> Temperature -> Nozzle Temperature and using the knob set 250°C.
WARNING: From now, the hotend is very HOT. Do not touch it!!!
Grasp the heaterblock with the wrench 13-16. Avoid pulling on the hotend!
Tighten the nozzle using the universal wrench. Do not overtighten it, you can damage the thread. Use the sufficient force. The prescribed tightening torque is 1.5 Nm.
NOTE: Avoid bending the hotend assembly while tightening! After that, there will be a gap of approximately 1 mm between the nozzle and the heater block.
Assembling the silicone sock (optional)
Assembling the silicone sock (optional)
CAUTION!!! COOLDOWN THE PRINTER before proceeding with this step. Wait until the hot parts are cooled down to ambient temperature. It takes approximately 10 minutes.
Putting the Nextruder silicone sock on the hotend is optional, although recommended. More about Nextruder silicone sock.
Put the silicone sock back on the heaterblock. This is optional.
Avoid pulling on the hotend.
Securing the hotend assembly
Securing the hotend assembly
CAUTION!!! COOLDOWN THE PRINTER before proceeding with this step. Wait until the hot parts are cooled down to ambient temperature. It takes approximately 10 minutes.
Push the hotend assembly all the way into the heatsink.
While pushing the hotend assembly in, firmly tighten both thumb screws.
Avoid pinching any cable between the screws and the heatsink!
From the underside, check that the hotend is oriented correctly. It must fit between the cutouts in the X-carriage.
Guiding the hotend cables
Guiding the hotend cables
Guiding the hotend cables
Locate the cable channel behind the thumb screws. Guide the hotend thermistor cable through the channel first. Then insert the hotend heater cable.
Guide the hotend fan cable as seen in the picture. Push it in the cable channel.
Arranging the cables
Arranging the cables
Arranging the cables
Arranging the cables
Arrange all the cables according to the picture (view from above). All cables must be squeezed as close to the extruder body as possible.
Close the Fan-door-cover.
Slide the Loveboard-cover on the extruder. And push it down.
Be careful not to pinch any cables!
When the cover is properly and completely inserted, you will feel a slight "click" of the rear latch.
Setting up the nozzle diameter
Setting up the nozzle diameter
Setting up the nozzle diameter
Setting up the nozzle diameter
This step is important only if you changed your nozzle diameter or type.
Visit the Settings > Hardware menu
Select the Nozzle diameter you are using (e.g. 0.25 / 0.3 / 0.4 / 0.5 / 0.6 / 0.8)
On MK4S, the 0.40mm is the stock nozzle diameter.
Turn on the silicone sock option if you are using one.
Final check
Final check
Final check
To check if everything is connected correctly go to Control > Temperature > Nozzle Temperature and set it to a temperature above 200°C.
Go back to the main screen and check the bottom bar to see if the temperature rises.
That's it!
That's it!
Congratulations! You just successfully replaced the NextruderV6 Nozzle Adapter on your printer.
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