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4. ToolChanger assembly

4. ToolChanger assembly
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Last updated 5 months ago
4. ToolChanger assembly
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CAUTION: Lubricant Handling
CAUTION: Lubricant Handling
CAUTION: Lubricant Handling
CAUTION: Avoid direct skin contact with the lubricant used for the linear rails in this printer. If a contact occurs, wash your hands immediately. Especially before eating, drinking, or touching your face.
Lubricant accumulates mainly in the linear rail channels on the linear sides.
Preparing the X-carriage
Preparing the X-carriage
Preparing the X-carriage
Reminder: To handle the printer, always grab the handles on both sides of the printer. Do not lift the printer by the aluminum extrusions or the metal sheet profiles on top.
In the following steps, we will work with tools and install the Nextruder above the heatbed, it is recommended to protect it against any possible damage. An empty Prusament box can serve this purpouse.
Check the empty cardboard box approximately to the front center part of the heatbed.
Move the X-axis assembly all the way to the front side of the printer.
Move the X-carriage approximately to the center of the X-axis.
Installing the ToolChanger: parts preparation
Installing the ToolChanger: parts preparation
Installing the ToolChanger: parts preparation
Installing the ToolChanger: parts preparation
For the following steps, please prepare:
Tool Changer Upper Lock (1x)
Tool Changer Lower Lock (1x)
Spring 3x9 (4x)
TC push pin (4x)
M3x12bT screw (4x) you removed in the previous chapter
X-carriage-cover (1x) you removed in the previous chapter
Preparing the ToolChanger
Preparing the ToolChanger
Preparing the ToolChanger
Preparing the ToolChanger
Insert each TC push pin into the holes in both metal parts.
Insert each Filament sensor sping 3x9 into the same holes as a TC push pins.
The tool changer is prepared. The springs must be sticking out.
Be careful that the springs and pins do not fall out when handling the parts.
Installing the ToolChanger
Installing the ToolChanger
Installing the ToolChanger
Installing the ToolChanger
Be careful that the springs and pins do not fall out when handling the parts.
Line up the screws in the TC block lower assembly lock with the blind holes in the X-carriage. See the correct orientation of the part. Use the U-shaped groove in the part.
Take a look at the X-carriage from the rear side.
Attach the TC block lower assembly lock to the X-carriage and secure it with two M3x12bT screws from the front side. Ensure the correct orientation of the part.
Attach the TC block upper assembly to the X-carriage from the top and secure it with two M3x12bT screws from the front side.
Covering the X-carriage
Covering the X-carriage
Attach the x-carriage-cover on the X-carriage with the hole up.
Push the center of the cover using your thumb. The cover will then snap into the latches on the X-carriage. You will feel a light "click" when it is successfully snapping.
Carefully and quietly open the bag with the Haribo sweets. High level of noise might attract nearby predators!
Spread the entire contents of the bag on a clean plate and arrange them according to the picture. The color doesn't matter that much.
The total number in your package may vary slightly. However, the exact number is important. If any gummy bears are missing, please go to your nearest candy store immediately.
Eat ten gummy bears.
Did you know that gummy bears were first created by a German candy maker named Hans Riegel in the 1920s.
Almost done
Almost done
That wasn't so hard. Anyway, good job! Let's go to the next chapter: 5. Nextruder upgrade
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