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3. Covers & Platform

3. Covers & Platform

3. Covers & Platform
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Last updated 4 years ago
3. Covers & Platform
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Tools and bags for this chapter
Tools and bags for this chapter
Tools and bags for this chapter
Tools and bags for this chapter
For this chapter, please prepare:
2.0 mm Allen key
2.5 mm Allen key
3.0 mm Allen key
Cutting pliers
Bag 3. Fasteners
Bag 3. Accessories
Preparing parts from the package
Preparing parts from the package
Preparing parts from the package
Preparing parts from the package
You will find parts for this chapter in the following protective foams:
Third layer includes the majority of the parts for this chapter. Some parts will be used in the next.
Fourth layer hides a cover, which has to be used in this chapter. To get access to the cover, you have to first remove the middle part of the fourth layer.
Tower covers - parts preparation
Tower covers - parts preparation
Tower covers - parts preparation
For the following steps, please prepare:
Tower sheet left (1x)
M3x5 screw (3x)
There are two sheets in the package, left and right. Learn how to distinguish between them.
The left sheet has a hole and "extension" nut near its top edge. Use this sheet now.
The right sheet has nothing near its top edge. This sheet will be used later.
Mounting the left tower sheet
Mounting the left tower sheet
Mounting the left tower sheet
Mounting the left tower sheet
Rotate the printer like in the picture, with the back plate facing towards you.
Focus on the right side and find three holes, which will be used to mount the sheet.
Now, the tricky part :) Take the left tower sheet (with the hole and nut) and place it on the printer.
Use the M3x5 screws to fix it to the tower.
Use the hole in the lower part of the sheet for easier access to the screw.
Finish fixing the sheet to the tilt (horizontal part) using the M3x5 screw.
Sensors parts preparation
Sensors parts preparation
Sensors parts preparation
For the following steps, please prepare:
Covercheck top SL1 (1x)
Covercheck bottom SL1 (1x)
Thermistor (1x)
Lid safety switch (1x)
M3x5 screw (1x)
Zip tie (3x)
Don't worry about recognising which printed part is top and which bottom, it will be clear from the next step.
Assembling the sensors
Assembling the sensors
Assembling the sensors
Assembling the sensors
Let's start with the thermistor, take the covercheck top and insert the thermistor in. The cable channel is only in this top part.
For easier assembly let's assume that the bottom side is marked with the red colour.
Guide the cable using the channel and make sure it is entirely inside. If not, you might pinch it after adding the opposite printed part.
About 80 % of the thermistor's tip should be outside the printed part to measure the temperature properly.
Now, insert the lid safety switch. Insert it from the same side as the thermistor. In other words, both sensors will have cables on the same side of the printed part. Also, ensure that the cables are closer to the lower edge of the printed part.
Finish the assembly using the second printed part. This time it is the covercheck bottom. Ensure no wire is pinched or bent!!!
Assembling the covercheck
Assembling the covercheck
Assembling the covercheck
Assembling the covercheck
Assemble the covercheck onto the left tower sheet. Use the following tips:
The button of the switch has to go through the hole.
The circular hole in the printed parts must fit on the "extension" nut welded to the sheet.
Secure the covercheck assembly using the M3x5 screw.
Guide the cable down through the hole in the printer. Don't pull the cable, leave it hanging.
Check the three perforations in the steel sheet we will use them in the next step for cable management.
Sensors cable management
Sensors cable management
Sensors cable management
Sensors cable management
Slide the first zip tie in the perforation and create a loop around the cables.
Tighten the zip tie, but just slightly. The cables might break if you use too much force. Cut the remaining part using the pliers.
Apply the same procedure on the remaining two perforations.
No need to stretch the cable, leave it hanging down.
Mounting the right tower sheet
Mounting the right tower sheet
Mounting the right tower sheet
Mounting the right tower sheet
Rotate the printer like in the picture, with the back plate facing towards you.
Focus on the left side and find three holes, which will be used to mount the sheet.
Take the remaining (right tower) sheet and place it on the printer.
Use the M3x5 screws to fix it to the tower.
Use the hole in the lower part of the sheet for easier access to the screw.
Finish fixing the sheet to the tilt (horizontal part) using the M3x5 screw.
Filtration assembly parts preparation
Filtration assembly parts preparation
Filtration assembly parts preparation
For the following steps, please prepare:
Filter fan (1x)
Filter housing (1x)
Filtration cover (1x)
Filter (1x) Remove the plastic film, but don't tear the paper cover.
Filter housing lid (1x)
Filter gasket (1x)
Filter fan gasket (1x)
Assembling the filtration fan
Assembling the filtration fan
Assembling the filtration fan
Align the fan on "columns" of the filtration cover with the sticker fan casing facing down.
Make sure the cable is on the lower-left corner, see the picture.
Press the fan all the way down. Use a reasonable force, the case is made from plastic.
Gasket preparation
Gasket preparation
Gasket preparation
Gasket preparation
Compare the size of the filter gasket with the filter housing. It is not a square!
Wrong orientation, this side is too short.
Correct orientation.
Use the cleaning pad to remove grease from the housing. Avoid touching this surface. Keep the pad for later use.
Glueing the gasket
Glueing the gasket
Glueing the gasket
Peel the protective film from the filter gasket, leave the circular part in the middle untouched.
Glue the gasket on the housing. Press it firmly all around the housing.
In case you will damage the gasket during the installation, there is spare one in the spare bag ;)
Removing parts of the gasket
Removing parts of the gasket
Removing parts of the gasket
Removing parts of the gasket
Using an Allen key, carefully punch through all four holes in the corners. Make sure you have removed the circular cutouts of the gasket.
Carefully press the circular part in the middle to lift off the edge.
Hold the outer part of the gasket and very gently tear the middle (circular part) off.
Installing the housing
Installing the housing
Installing the housing
Place the housing on the fan. See the photo for the correct orientation.
Secure the housing using M3x10b countersunk screws. TIGHTEN the screws only SLIGHTLY to ensure both parts are properly connected but don't over-tighten as you might squish the gasket between them.
Squished gasket might interfere with the blades of the fan. In such case remove the gasket and replace it with the spare one. This time tighten the screws slightly less than before.
Preparing the second gasket
Preparing the second gasket
Preparing the second gasket
Preparing the second gasket
Wipe the inner surface of the housing. Avoid touching this surface.
Compare the size of the filter fan gasket with the filter housing. It is not a square!
Wrong orientation, this side is too long.
Correct orientation.
Glueing the second gasket
Glueing the second gasket
Glueing the second gasket
Glueing the second gasket
Remove the square part in the middle. Peel the protective film from the filter fan gasket.
Glue the gasket inside the housing. Press it firmly all around the housing.
Slide the filter in, see the marks on the side. If the filter is packed in a thin plastic film, remove it first.
Assembling the housing lid
Assembling the housing lid
Assembling the housing lid
Assembling the housing lid
See the opening for the filter housing lid.
Slide the lid in.
Push the lid carefully down to close it.
Secure it using two M3x5 screws. Make sure the lid and the housing are in contact.
Preparing the rear cover parts
Preparing the rear cover parts
Preparing the rear cover parts
For the following steps, please prepare:
Filtration hinge (1x)
M3nN nut (2x)
M3w washer (2x)
M3x5b countersunk screw (6x)
Cable cover (1x)
Rear cover (1x)
Mounting the filtration assembly
Mounting the filtration assembly
Mounting the filtration assembly
Mounting the filtration assembly
Slide the filtration hinge in the cover.
Place the washers on both fixed screws.
Insert M3nN nuts, but tighten them slightly. The sheet must be able to move.
Slide/swing the filtration assembly in. Between the hinge and the cover. The best way is from the inside of the rear cover.
Orient the filtration assembly like in the picture. Make sure it fits properly all around.
Mounting the filtration assembly
Mounting the filtration assembly
Mounting the filtration assembly
Mounting the filtration assembly
Turn the cover, use two M3x5b countersunk screws. Tighten firmly.
Align the assembly, tighten the nuts.
Slide the cable from the assembly in the printer.
Cable management - the rear cover
Cable management - the rear cover
Cable management - the rear cover
Cable management - the rear cover
Use the printed cover, slide all the cables in one by one. Be careful, don't push them too hard in the cover or you might pinch them.
For each cable leave a small slack inside the cover. Don't stretch them, they are long enough to reach their sockets in the electronics.
Push the printed cover down.
Mounting the rear cover
Mounting the rear cover
Mounting the rear cover
Mounting the rear cover
Slide the rear cover on the printer. Ensure no wire is pinched!
Align the cover, make sure the holes in the cover match the holes in the left/right tower sheets.
Secure it with M3x5b countersunk screws on both sides.
Print platform part preparation
Print platform part preparation
ALWAYS PROTECT the surface of the print platform, use a Microfiber cloth or similar soft fabric (not included in the kit).
For the following steps, please prepare:
Print platform holder (1x)
Print platform (1x)
M4x10 screw (4x)
Assembling the platform
Assembling the platform
Assembling the platform
Assembling the platform
Pay attention to the correct orientation of the parts, before you use the screws to connect them together.
The incorrect assembly the groove is visible (facing up)
The correct assembly the groove is hidden (facing down)
Make sure the edges of both parts are aligned. In this plane, the part can be rotated 180 ° (its orientation doesn't matter).
Secure both parts using M4x10 screws.
Knob parts preparation
Knob parts preparation
Knob parts preparation
For the following steps, please prepare:
Eccentric (1x)
Knob body SL1 (1x)
Knob cover SL1 (1x)
M8x45 screw (1x)
M4x25 screw (2x)
M4x8 screw (2x)
Inserting adjustable screws
Inserting adjustable screws
Insert two M4x25 screws. Don't screw them all the way in. It is enough to reach the threads behind the gap. We need to ensure the screws won't fall out.
Your printer might have only one screw, the procedure is the same.
There is a grease inside the thread(s), don't remove it.
Mounting the eccentric
Mounting the eccentric
Mounting the eccentric
Mounting the eccentric
WARNING: This step involves inserting parts from below and it might be slightly more difficult. You can lay the printer on its back, but use the cardboard to protect the PSU power button.
Look from below the cantilever, check the two holes for the screws.
Insert the eccentric and hold it.
Use two M4x8 screws to secure it. The eccentric will be still able to wobble, but won't fall down.
We will tighten the screw(s) in the cantilever later on during the calibration process.
Assembling the knob
Assembling the knob
Assembling the knob
Assembling the knob
Slide the M8x45 screw in the printed part. The top surface of the screw should be flush with the surface of the printed part.
Close the assembly using the cover. Make sure both parts are aligned. If not, the screw isn't properly seated inside.
Screw slightly the "knob" assembly in the printer.
Mounting the print platform
Mounting the print platform
Mounting the print platform
Slide the platform on the eccentric, if it doesn't fit, rotate the eccentric.
Tighten the knob and ensure the platform holds.
Since the screw(s) in the cantilever isn't/aren't tightened, the eccentric might wobble, but that is ok for now.
Final check
Final check
Final check
Final check
Compare the look of the assembly with the pictures.
WARNING: for safety reasons, release the knob and remove the platform. Make sure the platform is placed on a soft surface.
Ready? Let's build the upper part of the printer 4. Electronics & Lid
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