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Calibrate i3 Plus LCD/SD

Calibrate i3 Plus LCD/SD
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Dernière mise à jour 5 years ago
Calibrate i3 Plus LCD/SD
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Preheat the printer
Preheat the printer
Preheat the printer
Preheat the printer
Click the button to go to menu.
Go to Prepare
Go to Preheat ABS
Click Preheat ABS 1
Wait for the temperature
Wait for the temperature
It is important to let the printer preheating for at least 10 minutes.
When the temperature reaches 50'C, check if fan on the nozzle is running! If not, disconnect the printer and check the connection of nozzle fan!
Home the axes
Home the axes
Home the axes
Home the axes
Go to Prepare
Click Auto home. Printer will move all its axes to the origin.
Click 'Disable steppers'. That will allow you to move the X carriage and printbed by hand.
Adjust the corners
Adjust the corners
Adjust the corners
Move the head and printbed in a way that printhead is in the corner.
With a regular business card (250g), check the distance between the tip of the nozzle and bed.
Adjust the height of the bed with the adjuster ring. You should be able to easily slide the business card between the nozzle and the bed with a little bite. We call it Al dente ;-)
After adjusting, alway compress the bolt against the blue frame under the printbed. Gravity is not always enough to settle it after adjusting.
Repeat for all 4 corners.
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