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How to change the belt (XL)


How to change the belt (XL)

How to change the belt (XL)
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Ultima actualización 5 months ago
How to change the belt (XL)
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This guide will take you through the installation of both XL belts on the Original Prusa XL.
Las siguientes instrucciones son compatibles con todas los versiones de las Original Prusa XL.
Todas las piezas necesarias están disponibles en nuestra tienda
Note that you have to be logged in to have access to the spare parts section.
This manual is compatible with the Original Prusa XL Enclosure.
Este manual es compatible con todas las impresoras Original Prusa XL.
Tools necessary for this manual
Tools necessary for this manual
Tools necessary for this manual
For the following manual, please prepare:
Torx T10 screwdriver
2.5mm Allen key
A cardboard box for use as heatbed protection during the assembly. Hint: use the Nextruder box.
Protecting the heatbed
Protecting the heatbed
Antes de continuar, te recomendamos que protejas la base calefactable.
Asegúrate de que la base calefactable se enfría a temperatura ambiente. Coloca la caja de cartón vacía aproximadamente en la parte delantera central de la base calefactable.
Manipulación con la impresora
Manipulación con la impresora
Manipulación con la impresora
Never manipulate the printer by using the spoolholders or the upper metal flanges. You can damage the LED lights hidden inside.
Durante el montaje, manipula la base utilizando las extrusiones.
Printer unpluging
Printer unpluging
Turn the power switch OFF (symbol "O").
From the rear side of the printer, unplug the PSU cable.
Rotando la antena Wi-Fi
Rotando la antena Wi-Fi
Rotando la antena Wi-Fi
Wi-Fi antenna on the back of the printer:
For the easiest installation, rotate the antenna downwards.
Wi-Fi antenna on the side of the printer:
For the easiest installation, rotate the antenna downwards.
Opcional: Desconectando los cables
Opcional: Desconectando los cables
Opcional: Desconectando los cables
The next steps are for users who have an Original Prusa XL Enclosure add-on, otherwise skip to the Belt release
Disconnect the FAN and LED cables from the board by pressing the safety latch.
Unplug the PE faston from the connection box.
Opcional: Separando la parte delantera
Opcional: Separando la parte delantera
Opcional: Separando la parte delantera
Desde la parte frontal del cerramiento:
Open the lid.
Remove the M4x8r screw using a 2.5mm Allen key.
Remove the M4x8r screw using a 2.5mm Allen key.
Opcional: Preparación del cerramiento
Opcional: Preparación del cerramiento
Opcional: Preparación del cerramiento
Opcional: Preparación del cerramiento
Sujeta el cerramiento por la parte delantera, donde se encuentra la placa de soporte.
Sujete el cerramiento por la parte posterior, donde se encuentra la tapa de filtración.
1. Push the enclosure to the back of the printer.
2. Remove the Enclosure from the printer and place it on a flat surface.
Aflojando la correa
Aflojando la correa
Aflojando la correa
Aflojando la correa
On the front side of the printer:
Using a 2.5mm Allen key, release the M3 screw holding the left CoreXY tensioner. Do not remove the screw completely.
Using a 2.5mm Allen key, release the M3 screw holding the right CoreXY tensioner. Do not remove the screw completely.
Gently tension the belt with your finger. If the belt has a similar degree of looseness as shown in the picture, proceed to the next step.
CAUTION: Lubricant Handling
CAUTION: Lubricant Handling
CAUTION: Lubricant Handling
CAUTION: Avoid direct skin contact with the lubricant used for the linear rails in this printer. If a contact occurs, wash your hands immediately. Especially before eating, drinking, or touching your face.
Lubricant accumulates mainly in the linear rail channels on the linear sides.
Retirando las sujecciones de las correas
Retirando las sujecciones de las correas
Retirando las sujecciones de las correas
Retirando las sujecciones de las correas
The color of the belt-clamps may be different depending on if you have an Original Prusa XL Enclosure. The procedure is the same, please continue.
Using the T10 Torx screwdriver, remove two M3x12rT screws holding the lower belt-clamp. Remove the belt-clamp. Do not throw the parts away!
Using the T10 Torx screwdriver, remove two M3x12rT screws holding the upper belt-clamp. Remove the belt-clamp. Do not throw the parts away!
With the belt-clamps removed, proceed to the next step.
Retirando las correas
Retirando las correas
Retirando las correas
Grasp the bottom belt on the left side of the CoreXY and pull the belt out of the printer.
Grasp the upper belt on the right side of the CoreXY and pull the belt out of the printer.
Throw old belts away!
Opcional: Retirando la caja de conexiones
Opcional: Retirando la caja de conexiones
Opcional: Retirando la caja de conexiones
On the rear side of the printer:
If you don't have the Original Prusa XL Enclosure, please jump to CoreXY releasing
Remove two M3x10rT screws using a T10 Torx screwdriver. Don't throw the parts away!
Leave the connection box hanging freely on the cables.
Remove the remaining M3x10rT screw using a T10 Torx screwdriver. Don't throw the parts away!
Retira el soporte fijador trasero izquiero. ¡No tires las piezas!
Opcional: Aflojando la parte trasera derecha
Opcional: Aflojando la parte trasera derecha
Remove two M3x8bT screws using a T10 Torx screwdriver. Don't throw the parts away!
Remove the fixing bracket rear left. Don't throw the parts away!
Remove the M3x6bT using a T10 Torx screwdriver. Don't throw the parts away!
From now on, we will demonstrate belt replacement on the printer without the Nextruders for better visibility. Please note, do not remove the Nextruders from your printer. The printer in the pictures will be shown without Nextruders for improved visualization for the customers.
Continue to the step CoreXY cover removing
Aflojando la cubierta CoreXY
Aflojando la cubierta CoreXY
Aflojando la cubierta CoreXY
From now on, we will demonstrate belt replacement on the printer without the Nextruders for better visibility. Please note, do not remove the Nextruders from your printer. The printer in the pictures will be shown without Nextruders for improved visualization for the customers.
Using the T10 Torx screwdriver, remove four M3x6bT screws holding the CoreXY cover. Do not throw the screws away!
Using the T10 Torx screwdriver, remove two M3x6bT screws holding the CoreXY cover. Do not throw the screws away!
Retirando la cubierta CoreXY
Retirando la cubierta CoreXY
Retirando la cubierta CoreXY
Retirando la cubierta CoreXY
On the inner side of the CoreXY cover, unplug the PE connector.
Leave the PE connector free.
Gently remove the CoreXY cover from the printer. Do not throw the part away!
Colocando las correas: preparación de las piezas
Colocando las correas: preparación de las piezas
Colocando las correas: preparación de las piezas
The color of the belt-clamps may be different depending on if you have an Original Prusa XL Enclosure. The procedure is the same, please continue.
Para los siguientes pasos, por favor prepara:
New XY belts (2x)
XL-belt-clamp (2x) removed in previous steps
M3x12rT screws (4x) removed in previous steps
Colocando la correa inferior: lado delantero derecho
Colocando la correa inferior: lado delantero derecho
Colocando la correa inferior: lado delantero derecho
Desde la parte frontal de la impresora:
Take one of the belts.
Insert the one end of the belt into the front lower section of the Y-carriage-right-base.
The belt has to be facing toward the printer with the teeth showing (not the smooth side of the belt).
Comprueba dos veces que los dientes están orientados hacia la máquina.
On the inner side of the Y-carriage-right-base pull the the belt.
No tires demasiado de la correa, puede caerse de la Y-carriage-right-base y habrá que repetir todo el proceso de fijación de la correa desde el principio.
Colocando la correa inferior: lado izquierdo
Colocando la correa inferior: lado izquierdo
Colocando la correa inferior: lado izquierdo
Colocando la correa inferior: lado izquierdo
When you pull on the belt you will feel more resistance from the XY motor, that's perfectly fine.
Pull the belt some more and guide it behind the Y-carriage-left-base.
Wrap the belt around the pulley on the front left side.
Wrap the belt around the pulley in the Y-carriage-left-base.
Colocando la correa inferior: sujección de la correa
Colocando la correa inferior: sujección de la correa
Colocando la correa inferior: sujección de la correa
The color of the belt-clamps may be different depending on if you have an Original Prusa XL Enclosure. The procedure is the same, please continue.
This image has been taken outside the printer on a white background for better visibility and definition. Follow this step on your printer.
Prepare one belt-clamp facing with the holes for the screws facing up.
Attach the left end of the belt to the belt-clamp. The end of the belt must be on half of the belt-clamp.
Attach the right end of the belt to the belt-clamp. The end of the belt must be on half of the belt-clamp.
The belt-clamp with the belts will be turned by 180°and attached to the X-carriage.
Colocando la correa inferior: fijando la sujección de la correa
Colocando la correa inferior: fijando la sujección de la correa
Colocando la correa inferior: fijando la sujección de la correa
Turn the prepared belt-clamp by 180° and attach the belt-clamp with the belts on the X-carriage.
Check the belts if they are in their position. If not repair the position by the previous step.
Insert two M3x12rT screws and secure them using a T10 Torx screwdriver.
¡Bien hecho! Uno de las correas está atornillada. Probemos con la segunda.
Colocando la correa superior: lado delantero izquierdo
Colocando la correa superior: lado delantero izquierdo
Colocando la correa superior: lado delantero izquierdo
Desde la parte frontal de la impresora:
Take the second belt.
Insert the one end of the belt into the front upper section of the Y-carriage-left-base.
The belt has to be facing toward the printer with the teeth showing (not the smooth side of the belt).
Comprueba dos veces que los dientes están orientados hacia la máquina.
On the inner side of the Y-carriage-left-base pull the the belt.
No tires demasiado de la correa, puede caerse de la x-carriage-left-base y habrá que repetir todo el proceso de fijación de la correa desde el principio.
Colocando la correa superior: lado trasero derecho
Colocando la correa superior: lado trasero derecho
Colocando la correa superior: lado trasero derecho
Colocando la correa superior: lado trasero derecho
Hint: For the simplest possible assembly, remove the fifth Nextruder (for Five-head users only) and place it on top of the box on the heating heatbed.
Pull the belt more and insert it behind the upper pulleys.
Pull the belt, which is now inserted through the upper pulleys.
From the rear side of the printer:
Insert the 2.5 mm Allen key through the hole to create a loop on the belt.
When the loop is created, you can remove the Allen key. Do not pull the belt!
Continúa en el siguiente paso.
Colocando la correa superior: lado derecho
Colocando la correa superior: lado derecho
Colocando la correa superior: lado derecho
Colocando la correa superior: lado derecho
When you pull on the belt you will feel more resistance from the XY motor, that's perfectly fine.
Pull more the belt and stretch the belt behind the Y-carriage-right-base.
Pull the belt around the pulley on the right front side.
Pull the belt around the pulley in the Y-carriage-right-base.
Colocando la correa superior: sujección de la correa
Colocando la correa superior: sujección de la correa
Colocando la correa superior: sujección de la correa
The color of the belt-clamps may be different depending on if you have an Original Prusa XL Enclosure. The procedure is the same, please continue.
This image has been taken outside the printer on a white background for better visibility and definition. Follow this step on your printer.
Prepare one belt-clamp facing with the holes for the screws facing down.
Attach the right end of the belt to the belt-clamp. The end of the belt must be on half of the belt-clamp.
Attach the left end of the belt to the belt-clamp. The end of the belt must be on half of the belt-clamp.
La belt-clamp con las correas se girará 180° y se fijará al carro X.
Colocando la correa inferior: fijando la sujección de la correa
Colocando la correa inferior: fijando la sujección de la correa
Colocando la correa inferior: fijando la sujección de la correa
Turn the prepared belt-clamp by 180° and attach the belt-clamp with the belts on the X-carriage.
Check the belts if they are in their position. If not repair the position by the previous step.
Insert two M3x12rT screws and secure them using a T10 Torx screwdriver.
Well done! Both of the belts are fastened.
Tensado de la correa
Tensado de la correa
Tensado de la correa
On the front side of the printer:
Using a 2.5mm Allen key, slightly tighten the M3 screw holding the left CoreXY tensioner.
Using a 2.5mm Allen key, slightly tighten the M3 screw holding the right CoreXY tensioner.
No tenses completamente la correa, procede con el siguiente paso, donde hay un video sobre el ajuste de la tensión de las correas.
On the Original Prusa XL, adjusting the belt to the optimal tension is crucial to achieving good quality on the prints. A loose belt can cause Layer shifting, Ghosting, or other print abnormalities, like getting an irregular shape instead of a perfect circle. An over-tightened belt can cause an irregular movement in the X and Y axes.
We have our own belt tuner. The application determines the belt tension by measuring the frequency of the vibration generated by strumming it. Follow the instructions in the video below to adjust the belt.
Colocando la cubierta del CoreXY
Colocando la cubierta del CoreXY
Colocando la cubierta del CoreXY
Gently attach the CoreXY cover on the back of the CoreXY.
On the inner side of the CoreXY cover, connect the PE connector.
Opcional: Asegurando la parte trasera izquierda
Opcional: Asegurando la parte trasera izquierda
Opcional: Asegurando la parte trasera izquierda
Turn the printer so the rear side is facing you.
Attach the fixing bracket rear left.
Secure the fixing bracket rear left with the M3x10rT screw.
Gently attach the XL enclosure board assembly. Don't pinch any cable!
Secure the XL enclosure board assembly with two M3x10rT screws.
Asegurando la cubierta CoreXY
Asegurando la cubierta CoreXY
Asegurando la cubierta CoreXY
Insert four M3x6bT screws and tighten them using a T10 Torx screwdriver.
Insert two M3x6bT screws and tighten them using a T10 Torx screwdriver.
If you have an Original Prusa XL Enclosure, please proceed to the next step. Otherwise proceed to the Installing the Wi-Fi antenna.
Opcional: Preparación del cerramiento
Opcional: Preparación del cerramiento
Opcional: Preparación del cerramiento
En el Cerramiento ensamblado, abre la tapa.
Sujeta el cerramiento por la parte delantera, donde se encuentra la placa de soporte.
Sujete el cerramiento por la parte posterior, donde se encuentra la tapa de filtración.
Opcional: Colocación del cerramiento
Opcional: Colocación del cerramiento
Opcional: Colocación del cerramiento
Para este paso, llama a alguien para que te ayude a colocar el cerramiento a la impresora.
No pellizques ningún cable del Cerramiento. ¡Cuidado con los cables!
Fija con cuidado el cerramiento a la impresora en tres pasos:
1. Coloca el cerramiento en la impresora.
2. Empuja el cerramiento hacia la parte delantera de la impresora.
3. Empuja el cerramiento hacia la parte posterior de la impresora.
Alinea los agujeros para los tornillos.
Opcional: Asegurando la parte delantera
Opcional: Asegurando la parte delantera
Opcional: Asegurando la parte delantera
Desde la parte frontal del cerramiento:
Fija la esquina inferior izquierda con un tornillo M4x8r al fixing-bracket-front-left utilizando una llave Allen de 2.5 mm.
Fija la esquina inferior derecha con un tornillo M4x8r al fixing-bracket-front-right utilizando una llave Allen de 2.5 mm.
Cierra la tapa. Esto evita que la tapa se cierre por gravedad durante la manipulación.
Opcional: Asegurando la parte trasera
Opcional: Asegurando la parte trasera
Opcional: Asegurando la parte trasera
From the rear side of the printer:
Fija la esquina inferior izquierda con un tornillo M4x8r al fixing-bracket-back-right utilizando una llave Allen de 2.5mm.
Fija la esquina inferior izquierda con un tornillo M4x8r al fixing-bracket-back-left utilizando una llave Allen de 2.5 mm.
Opcional: Conexión de los cables del Cerramiento
Opcional: Conexión de los cables del Cerramiento
Opcional: Conexión de los cables del Cerramiento
Attach the PE faston to the connection box.
Fully secure the PE cable to the XL Enclosure board cover.
Coje el cable del LED (5 hilos) y conecta el extremo del cable al conector izquierdo del divisor del FDM XL Enclosure.
Coje el cable del ventilador (4 hilos) y conecta el extremo del cable al conector derecho del divisor del FDM XL Enclosure.
Rotando la antena Wi-Fi
Rotando la antena Wi-Fi
Rotando la antena Wi-Fi
Wi-Fi antenna on the back of the printer:
Turn the back antenna upwards.
Wi-Fi antenna on the side of the printer:
Turn the side antenna upwards.
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