The negative volume lets you subtract one mesh from another.
That way you can, for example, create easily resizable holes directly in PrusaSlicer.
Right-click on a model and pick Negative volume from the context menu. Then select the negative volume shape. You can either pick one of the basic shapes (cube, cylinder, sphere), pick one from the Shapes Gallery or use Load... to import a custom mesh.

The subtraction of the negative volume happens during slicing, the actual model geometry is not modified. That means it is not possible to export an STL with the subtracted negative volumes.
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Meteor magnet
I think> educational mold: for demo / feature. Cube with part lines. Substract to be molded item. pour whatever into subtracted space. new part or sculpture. I like the pick. but its a cool feature that should be expressed more creatively. Anyway Rock on!
If my original model is too large for the print plate and I want to cut a bit off with a modifier, how can I achieve that? I added a negative volume but the slice button is greyed out (presumably, because my model is too large). But in order to apply the negative volume, I need to slice the model.
I managed with the cut tool, but with the cut tool, it is difficult to get exact positions of the cut (which would of course not matter when cutting an object for attaching together again afterwards). So my question still stands: How to make an exact subtraction with the volume modifier,when the initial object is too bog for the platter?
I am curious, would it not simply be possible to add a shape to the model, give it 1 paremeter, no infill, no top or bottom layers, (assuming that is what you are seeking) and then place it where you want the negative space to be? This is a late entry to this convo, but thought I would add because of what I am trying to do.
Jan Kratochvíl
Hello. I've tried it and the shape is not substracting itself from model, so there is no change. But interesting thinking :-)
Jason Jensen
I wish we could have the option to export the model with the negative space applied. I do a lot of modeling with negative spaces. The export doesnt work to STL, OBJ, so you have to keep the 3MF. It's hard to share the STL on Printibles when you cant produce one that looks like the 3MF file.