

Relevant for

MMU family
MINI family
MK3 family
SLA family
Article is also available in following languages

Macros allow you to create conditions and evaluate math equations in the Custom G-code fields.

PrusaSlicer macro language is not compatible with Slic3r conditional expressions.


Conditional evaluation

{if }[][{else}]{endif}

Expression evaluation


Legacy Placeholder syntax

[variable] or [variable_index]

Inside either construct, PrusaSlicer configuration variables can be accessed by their names


and elements of vector variables can be accessed by using square braces


refers to the temperature of the first extruder.

Multidimensional vectors can currently be only accessed as a simple vector variable resulting in a string value (e.g. if the extruder_variable[1] resulting in [n,0] string value -- can be posted in g-code but can not be used in arithmetic operations).

Strings are identified by double quotes "string" and regular expressions by slashes /regex/ Strings are not parsed recursively, i.e. curly and square brackets inside strings will appear in the output. This allows constructs such as {"[text in square brackets]"}


The following operators are allowed:

  1. Comparison <, >, ==, !=, <>, <=, >=
    • Example: {if layer_height == 0.2};Do something{endif}
  2. Boolean logic and, or, notor, equivalently, &&, ||, ! 
    • Example {if layer_height > 0.1 and first_layer_temperature[0] > 220};Do something{endif}
  3. Arithmetics +, -, , /
    • Example: M104 S{first_layer_temperature[0] * 2/3} (Note that first_layer_temperature is a vector)
  4. Ternary operator (? :) This needs to be enclosed in parentheses to work.
    • Example: M104 S{(first_layer_temperature[0]>220 ? 230 : 200)}This expression sets the extruder temperature to either 230 or 200 depending on whether the first layer needs to be above 220°.
  5. Regular expression matching (=~ (matching), !~ (not matching))
  6. Regular expressions are enclosed in slashes /
    • Example: {if printer_notes=~/.PRINTER_VENDOR_PRUSA3D./};Printer is Prusa{endif}


Minimum min(a,b)

Maximum max(a,b)

Casting to integer int(a)

Rounding to an integer round(a)

Rounding / padding with spaces: rounds fractional part to num_decimals digits (adding trailing zeros if needed), then left fills with spaces so the number has num_digits characters in total (including a decimal point if present). Last argument can be omitted, defaults to zero. digits(a, num_digits, num_decimals=0)

Rounding / padding with zeros: same as above, only left filled with zeros zdigits(a, num_digits, num_decimals=0)

Check if the configuration option is active is_nil(config_option_name)


Variables (placeholders)

You can use variables inside customs scripts and in the output file name template.

Check the List of all PrusaSlicer placeholders, grouped according to their scope.


Scalar variables

These values are scalar and can be directly referenced.

  • printer_notes (string)
  • layer_z (only available in layer change GCode)
  • layer_num (only available in layer change GCode)
  • toolchange_z (available in custom toolchange GCode since version 2.4.0)

Some variables are defined by complex formulas. For example, the perimeter_extrusion_width if left to zero takes the value of extrusion_width if non zero, otherwise a default perimeter_extrusion_width is calculated for the current layer_height. These substitutions are only done for the new syntax expressions (enclosed in curly braces {}), while the expressions written using the old placeholder syntax (enclosed in square braces []) are interpreted verbatim.

Vector (array variables)

These variables are arrays and need to be accessed as such (e.g. temperature[0]).

  • temperature
  • first_layer_temperature
  • bed_temperature (note that this is a vector, even though only one value makes sense: bed_temperature[0])
  • first_layer_bed_temperature (same as above!)

Multidimensional vector

These variables can only be accessed as simple vectors and can not be used in arithmetic expressions.

  • extruder_offset
  • bed_shape


Temp tower

You can use the "Before layer change" custom G-code to slowly decrease hot end temperatures. First, one may use the if/elsif/else expression:

{if layer_z < 10}M104 S265
{elsif layer_z < 17}M104 S260
{elsif layer_z < 24}M104 S255
{elsif layer_z < 31}M104 S250
{elsif layer_z < 38}M104 S245
{elsif layer_z < 45}M104 S240

 The same result may be achieved by a shorter if/else/endif expression together with a linear interpolation:

M104 S{if layer_z < 10}265{elsif layer_z > 45}240{else}{265+(240-265)*(layer_z-10.0)/(45-10)}{endif}

Or one may use the ternary operator:

M104 S{((layer_z < 10) ? 265 : ((layer_z > 45) ? 240 : 265+(240-265)*(layer_z-10.0)/(45-10)))}

Faster heat up with weak bed heaters before print

If you have a bed that takes a very long time to get up to temperature you can shave off a little bit of waiting time by using "Start G-code" to heat up the bed to the destination temperature minus 5 degrees and then starting to warm up the hot end while the bed continues to heat to the target value:

M190 S{first_layer_bed_temperature[0] - 5} ; wait for bed temperature - 5
M140 S[first_layer_bed_temperature] ; continue bed heating using legacy [] syntax
M109 S[first_layer_temperature] ; wait for nozzle temperature




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For those wondering, you can use modulus / mod with macros by utilizing the percent % symbol.
E.g., to perform something every N layers:
{if layer_num % N == 0}; something{endif}
Now that custom variables are supported (since 2.6, see https://github.com/prusa3d/PrusaSlicer/commit/c28585ab7fa62a56a1f188284b8bf782b734003f), could you please update this page with references on how to use them? Some example gcode would be nice, e.g.:{local myBoolean = true}{local myXVariable = 200}{local myYVariable = 100}{if myBoolean == true}G0 X{myXVariable} Y{myYVariable}{endif}--edit-- The editor doesn't let me get good formatting, code should be each line separately
bed_temperature: "(note that this is a vector, even though only one value makes sense" This is misleading. The bed_temperature vector contains print temps per loaded filament. Also many of the variables on this page are missing on the placeholders page, that made setting up macros quite frustrating
Can I ask for a clarification? 
The if/elseif/else expression - is the spelling of the command correct in this article, that is, is the elseif command spelled "elsif" without the "e"?
Why do modulus work only through single digits?EXAMPLEBefore/After layer change gcode (results are same for both){If (layer_z % var) == 0}M117 Layer (layer_z){endif}var=2 Only prints layer 2, 4, 6, and 8var=3 Only prints layer 3, 6, and 9var=4 Only prints layer 4 and 8var=5 Only prints layer 5var=10 never prints layer_zvar= <9 never prints layer_zresults are from 200+ layer @0.2mm layer height slice on PrusaSlicer 2.5
Giuliano - Official Prusa CS
Hello. find / replace does not work in file name templates. It works in the gcode to be exported only.