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PrusaSlicer forum on prusaprinters.org

The PrusaSlicer forum is an active community of PrusaSlicer users. You can post your problem there and discuss it with numerous expert users in the community.

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Report an issue - Github

Even though the PrusaSlicer team has 7 full-time developers and several active community contributors, going through reported issues and feature requests take a considerable amount of time. Before you report a new issue, please make sure you've exhausted other options.

There is a good chance that the issue is already reported, you can check the list of reported issues here.

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Is there a way to cancel mid print an item on the XL ? Example. Printing box with a lid at the same time and i want to cancel the lid but continue printing the box.
TFI Services
I have a perfect model of a radial engine that prints well. I want to scale it up 190% uniformly, which I can do successfully by using the uniform scale command . However I would like to reduce the density of the model. In other words the scaled up version is 90% heavier than the original and I want to reduce the weight. Can I do this and if so how?
Mikolas Zuza

You adjust the infill density, the number of perimeters and the number of top and bottom layers and see how the estimated weight changes in the slice preview. The infill density is likely the main thing you can significantly lower to reduce weight, without sacrificing print quality.

So sorry! It was my CAD file. I had a few features projecting out .007" which caused the problem. All OK and printig perfect.
William H. - Official Prusa

Glad to hear you figured it out. You might find this article helpful:)

I am using prusaslicer at .2mm Quality setting. When I go to print, the first layer has a few tiny pieces of my print at .2 and then it jumps up to .4 and of course it does not stick. I have run the layer caliberations and its perfect.