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Flexible steel sheets (guidepost)

Last updated 4 months ago
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The Original Prusa magnetic heatbed is designed to hold a removable double-sided flexible spring-steel sheet, designed specifically for easy removal of printed objects from the print surface.

We offer 3 different types of sheets, with different strengths and attributes. The first sheet released was with a Smooth PEI sticker on both sides. Second, after using it for several years in our own print farm, we solved reliable manufacturing of the powder-coated textured sheet, aimed at production environments using PETG and other high-adhesion filaments. The latest addition is the Satin sheet, which in both texture and properties lies between the smooth and the textured sheet. For more information on each sheet, please see their respective articles linked below. 

General information

The removable spring steel sheet is held in place by a number of magnets glued to the heatbed, from the bottom side. On the top of the heatbed, there are two pins (left picture) that align perfectly with a notch in the spring steel sheet (right picture). Before putting the steel sheet on the heatbed, make sure the heatbed is clean and free of any filament debris.

Please ignore the two holes in the steel sheet that are on the opposite side of the notch. Those are from the manufacturing process and are not for aligning the sheet on the bed.

Steel sheet profiles

Each sheet needs a different Live-Z value, as they have slightly different thicknesses. If you are using multiple different sheets, the value for each sheet can be stored in the Steel sheet profiles. For more information see the article Steel sheet profiles.

Removing prints

To remove the printed object from the print surface, always wait until the steel sheet cools down to room temperature. Then you can take it off by bending the sheet inwards and outwards, but you may have to assist using a spatula to avoid damage to the sheet. For materials like PETG, ASA, ABS, and PC Blend, and/or prints with a large first layer surface, a separation layer in the form of gluestick may be required.

In case you are still having trouble removing the model even after letting it cool down or the surface got damaged during the removal (a piece of the surface was ripped off or cracked), you might be using a filament type that is not suitable for being printed on this kind of print sheet or the surface was not prepared correctly. Please see our Material table for filament and print sheet compatibility and surface preparation.

If you are using a spatula to help with the model removal, make sure to avoid damage to the sheet surface. Bend the sheet slightly and insert the spatula under the model whenever possible, instead of digging under the model on a flat surface.

For a stubborn print that refuses to be released from the print surface, you can try to re-heat the heatbed for a few minutes (to the original print temperature) and then let it cool down again. This can sometimes help with the removal of the prints that are too stuck to the print surface.

Consumable parts, such as print sheets (satin, smooth, textured, etc.) are not covered by warranty as the coatings will diminish over time. Unless failure has occurred due to a defect in materials or workmanship, cosmetic damage, including but not limited to scratches, dents, cracks, or another cosmetic damage is also not covered by the warranty. Only defective sheets on arrival are covered by warranty.

Differences between the sheets

It is possible to use all sheets for printing almost any type of material if cleaned properly and the first layer (Live Z) is set correctly. However, there are certain benefits to using one sheet or the other for certain materials and models.

The smooth and textured sheets have different thicknesses, which requires you to redo the First Layer Calibration (i3) or make use of different Steel sheet profiles, when switching between them.

Close-up of a printed object on the

Smooth sheet

Close-up of a printed object on the

Textured sheet

Close-up of a printed object on the

Satin sheet

Smooth PEI sheet

Both sides of this sheet are covered by a sticker made from smoothed PEI plastic. This is the same time-tested surface type that was used on the older MK2S printers. Prints with a small area touching the print surface or with sharp corners are less likely to detach when printing on a smooth spring steel sheet. Some users also like the smooth and shiny bottom side of their prints. For all details and considerations of the Smooth sheet, please see Smooth Steel Sheet.

Powder-coated textured sheet

The surface of this sheet is covered with a special polymer (Ultem) to ensure perfect adhesion. The powder-coated steel sheets are better for printing objects with materials such as PETG, CPE, or Flexfill (TPU) which tend to adhere too much to a smooth surface, but can be more easily removed from the textured one. For all details and considerations of the Textured sheet, please see Textured steel sheet.

Satin sheet

The Satin sheet further expands our line-up of print sheets. Its powder-coated surface with a lightly textured matte finish offers an optimal level of adhesion and is fully compatible with a wide range of common and less-common filaments. For all details and considerations of the Satin sheet, please see Satin steel sheet.


We have done a lot of testing and compiled our results for you to use. To easily see how to prepare your sheet for any filament type, please see our Material table.

*Values in this screenshot may not be up to date.

Prints don’t stick

If your print surface is perfectly clean and all grease has been removed by wiping it with a paper towel soaked in isopropyl alcohol 90% and if the first layer height is set up perfectly, yet your print still does not adhere reliably to the print surface, check out First layer issues.

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