Prusa Discount Codes, Promo Codes, Voucher Codes, and similar terms might show up in your search engine results. Exercise caution when visiting websites promising these discounts. These websites are usually full of pop-up and pop-under windows with ads and the codes do not work.
Be careful with discount codes, vouchers, and coupons promising any percentage discount on our products, as they are always fake.
We provide our partners with affiliate links, which are not discount codes. If you click an affiliate link and purchase the product from our e-shop, our partners receive a specific provision from this transaction. Suppose you are offered a discount that requires you to click an affiliate link. In that case, it's misleading behavior - you will pay the full price for the item and the affiliate partner will receive a financial provision.
If you have a voucher from an affiliate link, this voucher cannot be combined with other vouchers, and the validity cannot be extended beyond the original expiration date.
If you wish to buy discounted products from us, you have the following options:
If you make an order for the assembled MK4S printers we offer a 10% discount on subsequent orders of another five units of the assembled MK4S printer. The discount is bound to the customer account that purchased the printer. It is not provided in the form of a discount code. After the order including at least one eligible printer is delivered to you, your Prusa account automatically applies the discount. If the initial order has more than one assembled MK4S printer the discount will still be for five printers.
When you buy the MK4 kit, you'll receive a 5% discount on subsequent orders of selected filaments. When you buy an assembled MK4S 3D printer, you'll receive a 10% discount on subsequent orders of selected filaments. These discounts are bound to your customer account and they are limited to 30 spools of filament per year. Also, these discounts are not provided as discount codes. After the printer is delivered to you, your Prusa account automatically applies the discount.
Special deals may appear on our e-shop - e.g., Black Friday deals or special pre-purchase offers. These deals are available only on our e-shop and we usually inform about them on our blog or social media, where we also describe whether any conditions apply.
Misleading or fake voucher code websites may offer the following: Prusa voucher codes, Prusa discount codes, Prusa promo codes, Enjoy 50% Off Prusa3D, Prusa3D voucher codes, Prusa3D discount codes, Prusa3D Promo Codes, Prusa3D Coupons for January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
You can meet our team at some events around the world. In some of these events, you can get a voucher for a discount on some printers and some filaments. This voucher cannot be combined with other vouchers, and the validity cannot be extended beyond the original expiration date.
In the website, you can collect Prusameters for various actions and achievements. The voucher is sent up to two weeks after they are requested. When the voucher is approved, you will receive a notification in Printables and your email address. The voucher code can also be found in your account history. If a voucher has been sent, it is not possible to change it back into Prusameters. This voucher cannot be merged with other vouchers. If the selected product is out of stock, the voucher can be extended by contacting our support team.
When requesting a refund for an order in the Prusa e-shop, you can choose to have the amount refunded to your payment method or have it refunded as a voucher. This voucher can be combined with other vouchers and its validity can be extended by contacting our support team.
If you have a question about something that isn't covered here, check out our additional resources.
And if that doesn't do the trick, you can send an inquiry to [email protected] or through the button below.