
Reload from disk

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This feature is great for cases, where you created a newer version of your model and you wish to replace the old version in PrusaSlicer without having to set up things like custom supports or modifier meshes all over again.

Right-click on a model in the 3D view and choose Reload from disk from the context menu.

Alternatively, you can click on the editing icon in the object list (right side).
Reload from disk works even on custom modifier meshes, which you can add in the Expert mode.

Two ways to access the Reload from disk function

Reload from disk in 3MF files

When you re-open a 3MF project file, you can still choose to reload any of the models.

By default, 3MF project files are configured to not save the full path to the source models, as this can pose a security risk when sharing such a file. If the full path is not saved and Reload from disk is requested, PrusaSlicer will ask for the location of the source file.

Why is saving of full paths turned off by default?
3MF is basically a zip archive, which contains human-readable XML files, thumbnail image and some miscellaneous files. The fact that the XML files are human-readable is one of the advantages of the 3MF file format. However, in some cases you might not want to reveal the location of your model files, e.g:


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I am also missing the option to reload from disk when a very complicated STL part has been separated. I have different colors and modifiers set so it takes me 20-30 minutes every time I have to redo everything after modifying some minor detail. Would be wonderful if you could reload from disk in a way so that the program recognizes all the parts, keeping all the settings. 
At least for my work pipeline it would be great, if the was an option to let Prusa Slicer watch for file changes and reload the affected models automatically.
Reload from disk is not available after splitting the model in separate parts, by whatever means. I tried both available options to separate a case and a (mechanically disconnected) lid in the same model, then rotated the lid upside down to lay it next to the base part to be printable. Now the source model connection is lost, I have to redo this separation when I tweak the model. Looks like this function is only for the very simplest of models with absolutely no modifications. I'll need to give my model an option to lay the lid down on the ground itself before exporting to STL.
Why don't you export it as two separate models when they are not physically connected?