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Last updated a month ago
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The printer can fully recover from a complete loss of power without the need for batteries or a UPS. A special sensor detects mains voltage, and in case of an interruption, it immediately shuts down the heatbed and extruder heating, leaving enough power in the capacitors to store the position and lift the print head away from the print. In case of a very short power failure, the printer will attempt to continue printing immediately without waiting for user interaction.

If you want to test the power panic on MK3/S/+, check Testing safety features (MK3/MK3S).
Keep in mind that power panic doesn't work if you use the on/off switch on the PSU

Resuming the print

When the power comes back, the printer will give you an option to continue the print. Keep in mind that during extended periods without power, the bed will cool down and the printed object can detach itself from the sheet plate. So, before resuming the process, check the following: 

  1. Make sure that all objects are still attached to the steel sheet plate.
  2. Follow the instructions on the LCD screen and resume the print.
  3. Stay with the printer for about 10 minutes and make sure that the printing process continues without any problems.
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