
Original Prusa Serial Number

Relevant for

CORE ONE family
MK4 family
MMU family
MINI family
MK3 family
Article is also available in following languages

Every Original Prusa printer has a unique serial number assigned to it. This is found on a silver sticker on every machine and is also hardcoded to the main controller board. Serial numbers issued before November 2021 start with "CZPX", while after November 2021 we introduced a new format starting with "SN". All serials are registered in our internal database and they allow us to confirm your printer as genuine.

For some printer models, placing the serial sticker on the frame is part of the assembly process!
The best way to reference your printer is the order number you received when purchasing the printer. This can be found on the invoice or in your order-history in the eshop.
Prusa CORE One

A label is found on the back of the printer, between the PSU and the xBuddy board. 

Original Prusa MK-series 
A label can be found on the back of the frame above the PSU, or on the rear plate of the printer.
Original Prusa MK-series until 2022Original Prusa MK-series from 2023
Original Prusa MINI & MINI+
A label is found on the Z-axis extrusion (circled in red), on the right side.
Original Prusa XL

The Original Prusa XL may have one or two silver stickers. If the printer has one sticker, the serial number will be on the bottom left. If the printer has both the silver sticker on the bottom and on the top left, the one you should use is the one on the top. In either case, the label will show the text 'Original PRUSA XL'. 

If the bottom sticker shows Original PRUSA PDU, the printer serial number sticker is on the top left of the printer.
Top printer serial numberBottom printer serial number

Original Prusa SL1 & SL1S
A label is found on the back (circled in red), in the bottom left. 
Original Prusa Enclosure

The label can be found on the side of the PSU holder.

Hardcoded serial number
This requires a special application and commands, dependent on the printer, to extract. Nothing proprietary, but the procedure is rather advanced. If you really need to get the serial number this way, please email Customer support


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how do we find the serial number from the LCD?
Giuliano - Official Prusa CS
Hello. Please email Customer Support if you don't have the sticker with the serial number.
avendo registratoil prodotto 
potrei avere la data diacquisto , perche non trovo piu nessun documento.grazie
Giuliano - Official Prusa CS
Salve. Prego, contatta il supporto via email o chat fornendo il numero di serie della stampante. Con quello si può risalire alle informazioni sull'ordine.