
HW setup

(MK2.5/S & MK3/S/+)

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Introduced in the firmware version 3.8.0 on the MK2.5, MK2.5S, MK3, MK3S, and MK3S+ there is a section in the Settings menu, called “HW setup”. It allows you to inform the printer/firmware of hardware changes and which actions to take in case of a conflict.

To access these settings, please go to the LCD Menu -> Settings -> HW setup

For each model the HW Setup menu differs a little:

Options MK3/S/+

Options MK2.5/S

  • Steel sheet profiles
  • Nozzle diameter [0.25/0.4/0.6/0.8]
  • Checks
    • Nozzle [Warn/Strict/None]
    • Model [Warn/Strict/None]
    • Firmware [Warn/Strict/None]
  • SuperPINDA [Yes/No] (MK2.5/S only)

hw setup

Nozzle diameter setup

By default, all Original Prusa printers are shipped with the 0.4 mm nozzle. In case you change the nozzle, you can set the correct diameter. The printer will then compare the stored value of the nozzle diameter with parameters saved by our Prusa Slicer in the G-code. If there is a mismatch, the printer is able to inform you and thus prevent a print failure.

This setting does not affect extrusion rates (flow) during First Layer Calibration. The article Different nozzle types will tell you more about First layer calibration for different nozzles.

Preliminary checks

Besides checking the nozzle diameter, the printer is now able to check other parameters to warn you about incompatible settings. Before a print starts, the printer will compare parameters stored in the memory with the G-code.

The controller parameters are as follows:

  • Nozzle diameter (0.25, 0.4, 0.6 etc.)
  • Model if the printer g-code is sliced for (MK3, MK3S+, MK2)
  • Firmware version

For each you can set three levels of warnings for each controlled parameter:

  • [none] - checking is turned off, the user won't receive any notification
  • [warn] - a warning message will be displayed on the screen, then the user can continue with the print
  • [strict] - a warning message will be displayed on the screen, the user can't continue until he fixes the issue, and print is aborted.

Other options

For an explanation of the other options, please click the linked listings in the menu hierarchy at the top.



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Meowat BabiesTheCat
I changed the nozzle on my printer to a .5mm and it has drastically dropped the quality of my prints. The printer doesn't understand this and my benchies are not printing properly. Their edges are warped and continue to fold in on themselves. I have not changed any other settings other than the nozzle size in prusaslicer.
What if we want to use a nozzle diameter that isn't on the list 0.25/0.4/0.6/0.8 ?  Will it just always automatically fail every print?
William H. - Official Prusa

Hello. You can turn off warnings of this. It will only warn you of what the G-code is sliced for if selected. If your code is sliced for your nozzle, then you should be good. These options are only for what we provide presets for in PS. It will not affect the amount of flow of filament.

Is the option to configure a 0.8mm nozzle in the works for a new firmware version? Version 3.9.3 for the MK3S+ seems to only give 0.25/0.4/0.6mm options when you click through the options.I understand it's only for validation when printing from gcode but I'm asking the question since the docs refer to a 0.8mm option specifically.
Jirka Novák
Thanks for you comment! Yes, I can confirm this feature is already on our roadmap of future FW releases. Please stay tuned
Hi Guiliano, Hope there is a ticket to put it soon, should not be very difficult to add.  I bought this Tungsten 0.8 noozle and as the noob I am only know how to use the First layer calibration, that even on 0.6 I think it should extrude more.  Tomorrow I would try the 1 layer bed alignment stl making a GCode for 0.8 but I would rather use the settings prebuild function when I change noozles.Thanks!
Hi, I put a new 0.8mm nozzle and adjusted the setting on my slicer accordingly however when trying to set up the right profile in HW set up, I only have 0.25mm, 0.4mm and 0.6mm available by default. How can I set up 0.8mm?
Mark F
After digging through the code, there's no reason you couldn't set a custom value in the eeprom, we just don't have that option in the menu that is coded to only give a small list of choices. The best I could do was remove the M862.1 line from the Start G-code on the printer profile that I use for my 0.8mm nozzle.
Giuliano - you discuss 0.8mm nozzles in your video on nozzles and it's also a standard option in PrusaSlicer. How do we add it to the firmware?
Giuliano - Official Prusa CS
Hello. The 0.8 mm nozzle is a recent addition, so my comment of 5 months ago is obsolete. The profile hasn't been added in the HW settings, though, but you can print the gcode sliced for 0.8 mm nozzle dismissing the warning on the screen before about the different nozzle type.