While troubleshooting your printer, you should always try to fix the isolated issue by either replacing the damaged component or flashing a new firmware, which fixes the bug. However, sometimes it is not enough and you might need to perform a full system refresh, which will delete all stored values, settings and effectively revert the system back to the factory defaults. This article is an abridged explanation of a full factory reset, flashing the firmware then recalibrate from scratch, followed by two additional calibrations.
Doing the whole procedure not only assure your system is clean and up to date, but also gives us the best outset for efficient troubleshooting.
Step 1 - Factory reset
First, the full factory reset. This clears old calibration and voltage data not wiped by a Firmware update. Between firmware versions, there can be leftover calibration data no longer supported, or values that have changed index.
- Hit the reset button, the X on your LCD module, immediately followed by pressing and holding the selector knob.
- After a few seconds, you will hear a beep and get a new screen that says "Factory RESET". Now, release the knob and a menu will appear.
- Scroll down the menu and select "All data". Let it do its thing and the system is now cleared.
Once back in the system it will prompt you to run the wizard. Ignore this for now.
Step 2 - Flashing FW
- Download the latest firmware for your printer, from the left column, at prusa3d.com/drivers/
- Unzip the file, connect your printer to your computer with the supplied USB cable, and open PrusaSlicer.
- Navigate to Configuration -> Flash printer firmware, on the top-bar in PrusaSlicer.
- Browse to the HEX file, extracted from the file you downloaded, and click "Open".
- Select the COM port of your printer or hit Autodetect/Rescan.
- Hit "Flash!" and let it complete its magic. You will have an indicator in the flasher and on the LCD screen.
Step 3 - Calibration Wizard
Step 4 - PID- and Temp. calibration (Original Prusa MK3S/MK2.5S)
- Navigate the LCD menu to Calibration -> PID calibration, and select. It will ask you what temperature to use. If you print mostly with PLA, leave it as is. If you print mostly PETG or ABS, adjust it to 240, but this will not really matter much. Let it run and finish before moving to the next step.
- On the same Calibration-menu, you will find Temperature Calibration. Initiate and let this run through its steps according to the on-screen instructions. This can take 15-20 min. This is especially important if you are having any leveling issues.
After this, run the First Layer Calibration (i3) again, making sure it is set correctly, with the P.I.N.D.A. sensor calibrated.
Success! Your printers system is now sparkling clean. This will rule out any firmware-issue, should there be something you are troubleshooting.
You would contact customer support via either the chat now button in the lower right of the window, or via email at [email protected] and they can assist you further with this isuse.