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Manual changelog MMU2S

Manual changelog MMU2S
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Last updated 9 months ago
Manual changelog MMU2S
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Versions history
Versions history
Versions of the MMU2S manual:
03/2019 - Initial version V1.00
12/2020 - Update V1.01
11/2021 - Update V1.02
Major changes for each version are described in the next steps.
マニュアルの変更点 (1)
マニュアルの変更点 (1)
12/2020 - Original Prusa i3 MK3S+ additon
The assembly manual was extended with instructions for MK3S+.
11/2021 - New chapters added
Two chapters added, describring the initial calibration (nr. 8) and the first print (nr.9).
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