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4. Calibration & First run

4. Calibration & First run

4. Calibration & First run
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Last updated 5 days ago
4. Calibration & First run
 Available languages
This chapter will guide you through calibrating and preparing the printer for its first run.
Attach the sheet by first aligning the rear cutout with the locking pins on the back of the heated bed. Hold the sheet by the front two corners and slowly lay it down onto the heated bed - watch your fingers!
Turning it ON
Turning it ON
Turning it ON
Turning it ON
Insert the USB drive included in your kit into your printer.
The included USB drive contains the latest firmware file.
Connect the power cable and plug the printer into a wall outlet.
Turn the printer on using the switch on the back.
The printer will now detect if a new firmware file is available on the USB drive.
If the "New firmware available" screen appears, hit FLASH by pressing the rotary knob to upgrade to the latest firmware.
If no such message appears, the printer is running the latest firmware already. Proceed to the next step.
Setting up the printer: Intro
Setting up the printer: Intro
Setting up the printer: Intro
Setting up the printer: Intro
The printer displays on the screen a prompt to select your language. Use the control knob or touchscreen to set your preference.
After selecting your language, the printer will display the welcome screen. Hit OK to continue through the setup process.
The next screen will prompt you to select your printer model. Since the assembled Prusa CORE One is fully tested in our facility, it has been pre-selected to COREONE during these tests. Hit Done to continue.
Setting up the printer: Network setup
Setting up the printer: Network setup
Setting up the printer: Network setup
The Network Setup screen will ask you to connect to a Wi-Fi network using our official Prusa mobile app.
Read more on prusa.io/app.
If you select No, the printer will show alternative ways to connect to Wi-Fi. This step is optional and can be done later.
You can skip this screen and set up the network connection later.
Wizard: Intro
Wizard: Intro
Wizard: Intro
The printer will prompt you to run self-tests and calibrations for all important components. The entire process takes a few minutes, with some parts requiring direct user interaction.
Although the printer was thoroughly tested at our facility, we highly recommend running the self-test again. Hit YES to start the self-test.
Warning: During the self-test, keep the door closed until you are prompted. Opening the door will interrupt the process.
There are HOT and moving parts inside during the self-test.
Caution: Some parts of the Wizard, such as fan testing and axis calibration, may be loud.
The printer will begin by testing all the fans. Be aware—it will be quite noisy for a while!
Wizard: Loadcell Test
Wizard: Loadcell Test
Wizard: Loadcell Test
Wizard: Loadcell Test
The next step of the wizard will prompt you to touch the nozzle to test and calibrate the Loadcell. During this procedure, the parts of the printer are not heated up so that you can touch them. Hit Continue.
Loadcell calibration requires the door to be open, as you must interact directly inside the printer.
Do not touch the nozzle yet, wait until prompted by the Tap nozzle NOW message.
Tap the nozzle from below. In case the Loadcell does not detect the touch, you will be prompted to repeat the step. Otherwise, you will see Loadcell test passed OK when it succeeds.
To allow the printer to continue with the Wizard, close the door.
Wizard: Gearbox Alignment
Wizard: Gearbox Alignment
The next screen will prompt you to perform gearbox calibration. This step is not necessary for pre-assembled printers from our company.
Hit Skip to continue.
ウィザード - フィラメントセンサーのキャリブレーション
ウィザード - フィラメントセンサーのキャリブレーション
ウィザード - フィラメントセンサーのキャリブレーション
ウィザード - フィラメントセンサーのキャリブレーション
フィラメントセンサーのキャリブレーションでは、短いフィラメントを使用する必要があります。フィラメントを準備し、Continue を選択します。
Place a spool of filament onto the spool holder on the right side of the printer.
When prompted, begin inserting the filament into the PTFE tube located beneath the right handle.
Wizard complete
Wizard complete
Congratulations! The Wizard is complete. Now it’s time to test some prints.
Read the 3D Printing Handbook dedicated to your printer and follow the instructions to set up the printer and prepare it for your first print.
The latest version is always available at help.prusa3d.com.
Firmware update
Firmware update
Firmware update
All shipped printer packages include a USB drive with the latest firmware. However, it is recommended to check and possibly upgrade the firmware version.
Visit the help.prusa3d.com page.
Navigate to the Prusa CORE One page.
ファームウェアファイル(.bbf) をUSBドライブに保存します。
Pro tip: To access Prusa CORE One homepage you can use the URL: prusa.io/coreone
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