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3. Detaching the Nextruder

3. Detaching the Nextruder
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3. Detaching the Nextruder
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Wi-Fi antenna detaching
Wi-Fi antenna detaching
Wi-Fi antenna detaching
This step is specific to printers equipped with a Wi-Fi antenna located on the back of the device. If you have a version of the printer with an antenna on the side, skip this step.
Turn the printer, so the back side of the printer is facing you.
Locate the Wi-Fi antenna connector in the middle of the printer.
Loosen the Wi-Fi antenna from the antenna connector and set it aside.
PTFE unpluging
PTFE unpluging
Turn the printer so the left side (with filament sensor) is facing you.
Push the black collet to release the PTFE tube.
Pull out the Nextruder PTFE tube from the filament sensor.
Repeat this process for the second Nextruder PTFE tube.
Disconnecting the Nextruder cable
Disconnecting the Nextruder cable
Disconnecting the Nextruder cable
Disconnecting the Nextruder cable
There is an antenna cable behind the antenna-holder, do not pull the connector!
Loosen the two screws on the cover slightly. There's no need to completely remove them. Slide the cover to the right and take it off from the printer.
Push the secure pin and disconnect the first Nextruder cable from the upper slot labeled DWARF 1.
Push the secure pin and disconnect the second Nextruder cable from the lower slot labeled DWARF 2.
Attach the cover to the screws. Push it all the way to the left and tighten the screws.
Nextruder cable bunde unpluging
Nextruder cable bunde unpluging
Nextruder cable bunde unpluging
Turn the printer so the front side is facing you.
Locate the FESTO fitting, press the blue collet and unplug the PTFE tube from the second Nextruder. Leave the PTFE hanging freely.
Locate the Nextruder cable, press the secure pin and unplug the cable from the second Nextruder. Leave the cable hanging.
Repeat this step for the first Nextruder.
Nextruder undocking
Nextruder undocking
Nextruder undocking
Nextruder undocking
From the front side of the Nextruder, using a T10 screwdriver, loosen (a few turns are enough) two M3x8r screws and take off the cable support.
Gently undock the second Nextruder and put it aside.
Repeat these steps for the first Nextruder.
Good job! The docks look like this. We can continue.
Nextruder nozzle seal
Nextruder nozzle seal
Nextruder nozzle seal
Nextruder nozzle seal
This step is for printers that have the old dock. Use the first picture to compare and determine which type of dock you have, then follow the instructions:
If you have an older dock, please continue to the next line. You have to remove the nozzle seal.
If you have a new dock, please continue to the next step. There's no need to remove the nozzle seal.
Locate the Nozzle seal in the dock.
Using a 2.5 mm Allen key, untighten the screw and remove the nozzle seal (don't forget the spring).
Nextruder dock detaching
Nextruder dock detaching
Using a 2.5mm Allen key, untighten the screw inside the second Nextruder dock (middle hole).
Remove the Nextruder dock.
Repeat these steps for the first Nextruder dock.
クマのかたちをしたグミの原型は、ヨーロッパの踊るクマにヒントを得たものです。ハンス・リーゲルがドイツ語で "小さなゴムのクマ"を意味する "Gummibarchen"と名付けたことに由来します。
Good job!
Good job!
Well done! The printer is ready for the third PSU assembly.
Let's go to the next chapter 4. PSU & electronics assembly.
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