• English
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Relevant for:
Last updated 5 months ago
This article is also available in following languages: 




  • Print
  • Preheat
        • PLA
        • PETG
        • ASA
        • ABS
        • PC
        • PVB
        • FLEX
        • HIPS
        • PP
        • Cooldown
  • Filament
        • Load filament
            • PLA
            • PETG
            • ASA
            • ABS
            • PC
            • PVB
            • FLEX
            • HIPS
            • PP
            • Cooldown
        • Unload filament
        • Change filament
        • Purge filament
  • Calibration
        • Wizard
        • Live Adjust Z
        • Auto home
        • Mesh bed leveling
        • Selftest
        • First Layer Calibration
        • Test Fans
        • Test XYZ-Axis
        • Test Heaters
        • Show Selftest results
  • Settings
        • Temperature
            • Nozzle
            • Heatbed
            • Print fan
            • Cooldown
        • [Sheet profile] - when two or more sheet profiles are configured
        • Move Axis
            • Move X
            • Move Y
            • Move Z
            • Move E
        • Disable Steppers
        • Factory Reset
        • HW Setup
            • Sheet profiles
              • [Profile name]
                • Select
                • First Layer Calibration
                • Reset
        • FW Update [Off / On restart / Always]
        • Fil. sens. [On / Off]
        • Menu Timeout [On / Off]
        • LAN Settings
        • TZ (UTC + / -)
        • Save Crash Dump
        • Sound Mode [Once/Assist/Silent]
        • Sound Volume [1-11]
        • Device hash in QR-code
        • Languages
            • English
            • Čeština
            • Deutsch
            • Español
            • Français
            • Italiano
            • Polski
  • Info
        • System info
        • Sensor info
        • Version info
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