Hello. It should be only disabling the MMU in the settings and disconnecting PTFE tube.
"Hello. There will be changes to the cooling and nozzle in the MK4S, but this upgrade can be completed in 15 minutes or less. The changes you made for the MMU upgrade remain the same.
Hello. It would be nice if the stock nextruder were sufficient, but in its current state, it is either automatic filament loading or proper MMU functionality. However, if you have any suggestions on how to improve the nextruder, we are all ears. :-)
Good for you! :-) But if you need an explanation despite your experience, the MMU modification to the extruder changes the FS behavior, making it register idler movement instead of inserted filament. In that case, the nextruder identifies filament only after it is in the gearbox, ensuring that it is inserted all the way through. But as I said, if you have any improvements, let us know.