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3. Upgrading to MK2/S and MK2.5S

3. Upgrading to MK2/S and MK2.5S

3. Upgrading to MK2/S and MK2.5S
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Last updated 3 years ago
3. Upgrading to MK2/S and MK2.5S
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Upgrading to MK2.5S is a must
Upgrading to MK2.5S is a must
In order to get the MMU2S running properly and without any issues, you MUST upgrade to the MK2.5S.
Why? Well the firmware is expecting filament IR-sensor, Noctua fan, new P.I.N.D.A. sensor and other improvements, which aren't present on the MK2/S.
Upgrading your MK2 to MK2S
Upgrading your MK2 to MK2S
In case you are still rocking the Original Prusa i3 MK2, we strongly advise upgrading to the MK2S.
You don't have to follow the entire MK2 to MK2S assembly, as some chapters will be repeated in MK2.5S assembly with new parts, but consider following:
MK2S swapped zip ties for U-bolts to further improve the rigidity of the heatbed assembly. This will greatly reduce vibrations and possible artefacts in the printed objects.
MK2S vs MMU1 extruder disassembly
MK2S vs MMU1 extruder disassembly
MK2S vs MMU1 extruder disassembly
The MK2.5S assembly guide (link in the next step) will take you through the MK2S disassembly and upgrade process. Your Multiplexer (extruding head) on the MMU1 looks slightly different, but the process is almost the same.
Multiplexer (extruding head) on the MK2S with the MMU1 upgrade.
Extruder on the MK2S without the MMU1 upgrade.
Follow the disassembly process in the MK2/S to MK2.5S upgrade manual and in case of any issues, contact us immediately ;)
Upgrading MK2S to MK2.5S
Upgrading MK2S to MK2.5S
Upgrading MK2S to MK2.5S
Now it is time to upgrade your MK2S to the MK2.5S!
Make sure you've printed all the plastic parts. Note that some might be part of the MMU2S upgrade kit, find them and use them.
Don't forget to use one of the three motors, you have disassembled from the MMU1! (The remaining two will be used for the MMU2S unit)
Upgrade to MK2.5S using this manual: Original Prusa i3 MK2 to MK2.5S upgrade
After finishing the MK2.5S assembly, please check the last chapter of this guide: 4. Upgrading to MMU2S
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