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3. Printer dissasembly

3. Printer dissasembly
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Last updated 6 months ago
3. Printer dissasembly
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Disconnecting cables
Disconnecting cables
Disconnecting cables
Disconnecting cables
Take a look from the back of the printer.
On the electronics box (Einsy base), release the middle screw on the box to open the door.
Release all M3 screws on the cable holders on the box.
Avoid cutting the cables!!!
If some of the cables are secure with zip ties, carefully cut the zip ties.
Disconnect all cables from the EINSY electronics board.
Some of the cables have a safety latch on the connector. Press the latch before disconnecting.
Using the Philips screwdriver, loosen all the 6 power terminal screws and slide out all the power cables.
Removing the electronics box
Removing the electronics box
Removing the electronics box
Removing the electronics box
Loosen the M3 screw in the bottom of the electronics box fixing the printed case to the frame. No need to remove it at the moment.
Loosen the top M3 screw inside the box. Push the 2.5 Allen key through the most top vent opening to reach the screw.
Slide out the box to the right side and remove it from the printer.
Removing the einsy-door
Removing the einsy-door
Release and remove all four M3 screws together with the einsy-door.
Most of the following pictures are taken on the latest version of the printer frame. The frame has hexagonal recesses on its back side. This is just a design element. The latest frame design is functionally identical with the previous ones.
Removing the heatbed
Removing the heatbed
Removing the heatbed
Release all nine screws securing the heatbed and remove the heatbed from the printer.
After removing the heatbed, there are nine unattached spacers on the Y-carriage. Place them in a separate place to avoid confusion with similar parts. You will no longer need this part.
Removing the heatbed cable cover
Removing the heatbed cable cover
Removing the heatbed cable cover
Removing the heatbed cable cover
NOTE: If you have already purchased a new heatbed, you can skip disassembling the old one and go to the next step.
This part may vary slightly in the design of the cover, location of the screws and number of the screws.
Remove the screws fixing the cable bundle.
Remove the screw securing the cover. From the underside, grasp the middle M3nN nut with the pliers while loosening the screw.
Remove the cover.
Release the screws fixing the heatbed power cables and remove the cables from the heatbed. From the underside, grasp the M3nN nuts with the pliers while loosing the screws.
Releasing the cable management
Releasing the cable management
Releasing the cable management
Releasing the cable management
Put the printer on its right side (side with the PSU)
From the top, cut the zip ties securing the cable bundle to the frame.
Avoid cutting the cables!!!
Turn the printer on its left side.
Check the condition of the Y and Z motor cables. If the zip ties have been too tight for a long time, the cables may be damaged.
Disconnecting the LCD cables
Disconnecting the LCD cables
Disconnecting the LCD cables
Carefully pull out both LCD cables from the extrusion profile.
Disconnect the LCD cables from the LCD assembly.
Disconnecting the PSU cables (Black PSU)
Disconnecting the PSU cables (Black PSU)
Disconnecting the PSU cables (Black PSU)
This step is intended for the black PSU only. If you have the silver PSU, skip this step.
Release the M3 screws inside the PSU-cover.
Remove the PSU cover from the printer.
KEEP the PSU-cover aside, you will need this part for the MK3.5S upgrade.
Using the Philips screwdriver, loosen all four terminal screws on the PSU and pull out the power cables.
Disconnect the power panic cable.
The power panic connector has a safety latch, that must be pressed before disconnecting.
Still no sweets?
Still no sweets?
Please don't open the bag yet.
But you are getting close to your first taste ;).
Parts summary
Parts summary
Parts summary
Parts summary
We have now finished disassembling the printer. Let's see which parts will be used in the following chapters.
Prepare the following parts for the next chapters:
Heatbed MK52 24V (1x)
PSU-cover (1x) for Black PSU only
MK3S / MK3S+ printer torso (1x)
All the parts you printed for the upgrade.
Retain the power cord to the PSU, flexible steel sheet(s) and spool holder to use the printer.
You will no longer need the parts not listed for the upgrade. Keep them aside to avoid mixing with new parts.
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