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Unload manually #04506 (MMU)

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Ultima actualización 2 months ago
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What happened?

Implausible SuperFINDA reading. This error happens when a filament is detected by the SuperFINDA sensor although the MMU doesn’t have a record of any filament being loaded. It is unsure of which position the filament is loaded in so it can’t perform the unload automatically.

This usually happens due to a malfunctioning or improperly calibrated SuperFINDA sensor.

Another potential cause could be if the filament was inserted into the selector manually, bypassing the menu/buttons, or if the printer was restarted during a load/unload operation before it was completed.


How to fix it?

  • Verify there is no filament in Selector and SuperFINDA sensor isn’t detecting a filament.
  • If there is a filament loaded, unload it manually or clear the sensors from anything that caused it to trigger.
  • If filament is loaded, unload it manually or clear any obstructions triggering the SuperFINDA sensor.
  • Verify the proper superFINDA calibration.
  • Use only the menu on the printer to load or unload a filament during regular use. 

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