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G-code preparation for MMU2S

G-code preparation for MMU2S

G-code preparation for MMU2S
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Last updated 2 years ago
G-code preparation for MMU2S
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Download the latest drivers
Download the latest drivers
Download the latest drivers
We recommend to have installed always the latest release of Prusa firmware and drivers, you can download them here: prusa3d.com/drivers
After you finish the installation, run PrusaSlicer
Ensure you have selected the proper settings for your multi material printer. Select the correct MMU2S printer you have from the menu on the right.
If you can't select an MMU2 printer, click Add/Remove printers in the printers list and then Add/Remove presets
This guide is based on drivers - version 2.3.0
Import an object into PrusaSlicer
Import an object into PrusaSlicer
Import an object into PrusaSlicer

Prepare your model separated in multiple .stl files or .amf/.3mf bundle. You can start by using sample objects from our Drivers & Apps bundle. As the sheep pictured above.

If you prefer to use your own model, please visit our guide: Creating MMU models: Export model from Fusion 360
Select a file or multiple files. Drag and drop them directly into PrusaSlicer window. You can also use the menu File - Open Project in Prusa Slicer.
PrusaSlicer recognizes a multi-part object and offers you to import it as a single object. Click "Yes".
(Optional) Spliting a single STL to parts
(Optional) Spliting a single STL to parts
(Optional) Spliting a single STL to parts
If you have a single STL file that consists of separate bodies, you might need to right-click the imported object and select Split>To parts
The object will change into a multi-part object (the parts won't move one relative to the other). This way, you will be able to assign a different color to each part later on.
Assign colors to Extruders
Assign colors to Extruders
Assign colors to Extruders
Assign colors to Extruders

Double-click the color field in the Filament menu to assign a color to each filament.

Use the filament colors as you are going to load them into your MMU unit.

After you chose a color, repeat the same for each filament you are going to use.
In the Extruder field, assign a correct extruder to each part of the object. You should be able to see the object in the colors it is going to be printed with.
Position the Wipe tower
Position the Wipe tower
Position the Wipe tower
Position the Wipe tower
Ensure the Wipe tower is enabled and visible.

If you can't see the Wipe tower in the 3D view, open Print settings tab, select Multiple Extruders, go to Wipe tower and check Enable. You can also adjust its position from here.

Adjust the wipe tower position on the print area by moving it around if necessary.
Ensure the Wipe tower ISN'T COLLIDING with the printed object!!!
Print settings and Filament
Print settings and Filament
Before you proceed to slicing, please set up the Print settings (layer height) and your Filaments (material).
For the latest list of supported materials and print quality settings, please always read our Multi Material Handbook
PrusaSlicer offers a lot of other settings to be changed. We suggest using the default values. Adjusting them is useful for experienced users only.
Slice, export and print!
Slice, export and print!
Slice, export and print!
Slice, export and print!
We are almost done! Now just:
Click Slice now and wait until slicing is complete.
Check your print including Wipe tower in the Preview tab.
When you feel satisfied with the Preview, click the Export G-code or the small icon right next to it to save it directly to a removable media.
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