⬢Using the 1.5mm Allen key tighten the pulley. Make sure that the part with smaller diameter is perfectly aligned with the nozzle entrance. Use a piece of filament to align the pulley with the openings for the filament.
Video is available in an online (digital) version only.
Exact position of P.I.N.D.A. probe will be adjusted later (during the printer calibration described in 3D Printing Handbook), so there is no need to adjust or tighten fully at this point.
⬢The best position for mounting at this point is to align the end of the probe with the end of the hook on the extruder body.
Note the loop on cable from probe, it's necessary to do it like that!
⬢Insert ziptie (longer one in package) in the right side of the X-carriage so that cables from the extruder motor and the fan are below ziptie and held in place.
⬢Prevents rare damage to the probe when a print accidentally lifts up. If you do not have this part, download and print it from http://www.prusa3d.com/printable-parts and mount it later.
⬢Screw in the P.I.N.D.A. protector on the probe.
⬢Make sure that the end of the probe is in line with the protector as shown in the picture.
⬢Wrap the spiral wrap (the largest and the longest one) around the cables.
⬢Vezměte nylon s horními kabely (oba ventilátory, motor, P.I.N.D.A.) a proveďte kolem nich 1 otáčku spirálovým obalem, poté přidejte zbývající kabely a pokračujte v omotávání. (viz obrázek)
Double check by moving the extruder fully to the left or right that spiral wrap does not interfere with the printer frame.
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