Magnetická vyhřívaná podložka Original Prusa je navržena tak, aby na ni pasoval oboustranný, pružný, odnímatelný ocelový plát. Ten je zase navržen tak, aby z tiskového povrchu šly snadno sundat hotové výtisky.
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PP steel sheet | Spodní strana tištěného objektu |
The PP sheet is made for printing polypropylene (PP) since its adhesion to standard PEI sheets is generally very poor. The sheet comes with a matt texture, similar to the satin steel sheet with a PEI surface. The sheet is compatible with most polypropylenes, PLA, PETG and TPU, other materials may have insufficient adhesion and should be printed on our standard PEI sheets.
We have done a lot of testing and compiled our results for you to use. To easily see how to prepare your sheet for any filament type, please see our Material table.
If your print surface is perfectly clean and all grease has been removed by wiping it with a paper towel soaked in isopropyl alcohol ~90% and if the first layer height is set up perfectly, yet your print still does not adhere reliably to the print surface, check out Problémy s první vrstvou.
Keep in mind that polypropylenes in general tend to warp more than other materials. Sometimes warping may be so strong that larger models (or with dense infill) detach from the surface even over the best surface adhesion. If you experience such strong warping, we recommend using another type of PP for selected print - for example, our Prusament PP Carbon Fiber shows almost no warping at all. You can find more in the articles about polypropylene and warping.
After removing the 3D-printed object, you may notice a visible imprint on the sheet’s surface. This is only a visual change: it doesn’t leave any marks on the next 3D-printed parts and does not affect the printing properties in any way. Therefore it’s not considered a reason for a warranty claim.
As a result of the temperatures to which the sheet is exposed during printing, some parts on the bottom surface, which is in direct contact with heatbed, may become slightly glossier or with a different shade. This visual change does not adversely affect the printing properties and is also not considered a reason for a warranty claim.
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Example of visible imprint | Imprinted purge line | Shade change caused by heatbed |
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