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  • Firmware x printer mismatch #12609 (MINI/+) #13609 (MK4) #17609 (XL) #21609 (MK3.9) #23609 (MK3.5) #26609 (MK4S) #27609 (MK3.9S) #28609 (MK3.5S) #31609 (CORE One)

Firmware x printer mismatch #12609 (MINI/+) #13609 (MK4) #17609 (XL) #21609 (MK3.9) #23609 (MK3.5) #26609 (MK4S) #27609 (MK3.9S) #28609 (MK3.5S) #31609 (CORE One)

Poslední aktualizace 12 hours ago
Tento článek je také dostupný v následujících jazycích: 

What happened?

If your printer shows the message "Firmware and hardware versions do not match. Make sure you have the right firmware file for your printer," you might have installed an incorrect firmware version.

Error name: Firmware x printer mismatch

Error code: #12609 (MINI/+) #13609 (MK4) #17609 (XL) #21609 (MK3.9) #23609 (MK3.5) #26609 (MK4S) #27609 (MK3.9S) #28609 (MK3.5S) #31609 (CORE One)

How to fix it?

Go to the Prusa downloads page or Github, and download the correct firmware for your printer. If you are unsure what your printer version is, contact our Zákaznická podpora with your Original Prusa Serial Number and pictures of your printer so we can help you identify it.

Flashing the firmware by doing a hard factory reset is also possible.


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