
Static memory has been overwritten

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The printer shows the error message "Static memory has been overwritten". It is caused by too many commands in the memory at the same time, causing it to overflow. The firmware is then not able to fulfill any of the commands or may not boot up properly.

This error can appear in self- or community-built firmware versions. It usually does not appear in Prusa official firmware releases as these have already gone through our testing. 

How to avoid

Avoid requiring the printer to do several things at once unnecessarily.


  • When calibrating, let the calibration finish without loading a filament or inserting an SD card, unless prompted to.
  • When loading a filament, wait until the filament is fully loaded and confirm the successful load with the toggle button before giving it further commands or inserting an SD card.
How to fix if it persists
  1. Do a full factory-reset where you clear "all data." Please see Factory reset (MK2S/MK2.5S/MK3S)
After the full factory reset just ignore the on-screen prompts for the Wizard and proceed with flashing the firmware.
  1. Once you do so, re-flash the newest firmware. A guide on how to do this can be found at How to update firmware (MK3S+/MK3S/MK3).
  2. After this, calibrate and you should be able to operate your printer as usual.
This procedure is also outlined in Full system refresh Original Prusa i3


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Sweet T FPV
Just had this happen when I started a print. Newest firmware 

It may happen for example in the moment you make the printer do several things at once. Like when you insert a filament and insert an SD card at once. The printer tries to show up "Is the color ok" and the "select file" dialogs at the same time.  Please, wait a little bit when doing each of those things the next time :)

I just got this error above following an error "Heating disabled by safety timer."  I was running a print overnight and for some reason it stopped.  The nozzle was actually attached to the print as I raised the Z axis.  Printer seems fine otherwise after a power cycle.  Had the printer for almost two months.  MK3S+ Stock firmware 3.10.0-4481.  I will try another print and see how it goes.EDIT: Later prints were fine, no issues yet.
this error apeared on my MK3S running stock firmware 3.10.0 after trying to print from sd card shortly after heating timeout
William H. - Official Prusa

Ok, please try the steps outlined above and contact support if it does not resolve it.