What happened?

The Original Prusa printers are equipped with a Power Panic feature. This feature can recover a print in case of a sudden power loss (read more about it here). The power panic cable goes from the printer's PSU to the xBuddy board. In case there is any damage to the cable, the printer will show "Power panic has been detected during printer initialization. Inspect wiring of PP-cable.".

Error name: Power Panic 

Error code: #26321 (MK4S) #13321 (MK4) #27321 (MK3.9S) #21321 (MK3.9) #28321 (MK3.5S) #23321 (MK3.5) #31321 (CORE One)

How to fix it?

Check the connection of the cable both on the PSU and on the xBuddy board. Make sure that the cable is not damaged.

There are two versions of the power panic cable, one with only a black wire and one with black and white wires. Both are compatible with the CORE One, MK4/S, MK3.9, and MK3.5, and there is no need to switch to one or the other.