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Install PrusaSlicer

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A stand-alone EXE installer of the latest stable release can be downloaded from PrusaSlicer introduction & download or our Github.

When downloading from Github, make sure you download the correct file for your computer. For Windows, it will be a .zip file, with "Win32" or "Win64" in the title. Most computers these days are 64-bit, which will run the 32-bit version as well. If you have an old computer, you may want to get the Win32 version.

The Drivers & Apps installation package includes the PrusaSlicer itself but also sets of test objects and printer drivers. These are optional, you can choose to install only PrusaSlicer.

Check out Download PrusaSlicer for download and testing of Alpha and Beta versions of PrusaSlicer, across all platforms.


A stand-alone DMG installer of the latest stable release can be downloaded from PrusaSlicer introduction & download or our Github.

When downloading from Github, make sure you download the correct file for your computer. For Mac it will be the DMG file, which is 64-bit.

The Drivers & Apps installation package includes the PrusaSlicer itself but also sets of test objects and printer drivers. These are optional, you can choose to install only PrusaSlicer.

To install any of these packages, just Drag and Drop it in the installer window. 


Linux (including Chrome OS)

PrusaSlicer can be installed on Linux as a Flatpak through

Flathub. To use it, you must first install Flatpak and add the Flathub repository to the list of remotes. To do so, it is best to follow the steps here: Flathub Quick Setup Page.

For example, on the latest Ubuntu, this is as simple as

sudo apt install flatpak

sudo apt install gnome-software-plugin-flatpak # Adds Flatpaks to the Software center (not required)

flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://dl.flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo

Than restart your system.

Some distributions, like Mint, have Flatpak already installed and set up

To verify that Flatpak is properly installed on your system, you can run

flatpak --version

# prints: Flatpak *.*.* on success

Once Flatpak is properly installed and the Flathub repository is added, you can install PrusaSlicer via your distribution software center if your distribution allows it. Alternatively, you can use the install button here: Flathub or install it via terminal by running:

flatpak install flathub com.prusa3d.PrusaSlicer

After the installation, PrusaSlicer will be integrated into your desktop environment, and you can run it as you would any other application. If you prefer using the terminal, you can do:

flatpak run com.prusa3d.PrusaSlicer

to run PrusaSlicer.

Install without superuser privileges

You need superuser privileges to install Flatpak. However, you can install PrusaSlicer without it. You can use the --user option to run all Flatpak commands and install PrusaSlicer for the current user without requiring sudo. Remember to add the Flathub repository for the current user. In the end, this boils down to:

flatpak remote-add --user --if-not-exists flathub https://dl.flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo flatpak

install --user flathub com.prusa3d.PrusaSlicer


Installation issue

If you have issues with the installation, ensure that Flatpak is installed:

flatpak --version

# prints: Flatpak *.*.* on success

and that the Flathub remote is properly set up

flatpak remotes -d

#prints: flathub Flathub https://dl.flathub.org/repo/ ... system ...

I cannot access some files/directories

Flatpak limits the files and directories that an application can access. By default PrusaSlicer can access files in the $HOME directory, /run/media and /media (to allow interaction with USB drives).

If you have a remote drive mounted elsewhere, or simply a symlink to a non-standard location you want to access from within PrusaSlicer, you must allow it to do so.

The most straightforward approach is to install Flatseal (see How do I install Flatseal?) and enable the necessary access permissions there. Open Flatseal, navigate to PrusaSlicer -> Filesystem -> Other files and add in locations you need. Alternatively, you can simply check the option All system files, but this is not recommended.

access some files/directories

PrusaSlicer is in light mode even though my system theme is dark – Help! PrusaSlicer is in light mode, and it's burning my eyes!

PrusaSlicer aims to always use dark theme if the host system uses it. The PrusaSlicer Flatpak determines if the host system is using a specific theme during installation. If it does it tries to download the appropriate Flatpak version of the theme. This may not always work due to differences between Linux distributions and the variety of available themes. Nevertheless, you should always make sure to switch the theme of your system first and reinstall the PrusaSlicer Flatpak afterwards. The re-installation is performed by running:

flatpak uninstall com.prusa3d.PrusaSlicer

flatpak install com.prusa3d.PrusaSlicer

If for any reason the application is still in light mode (which may very well happen), there is a fallback option. First, install Flatseal (see How do I install Flatseal?), and then navigate to PrusaSlicer -> Environment -> Variables and set


I want to switch to a language, but the language is not listed

By default, Flatpak will not download all the language options, but you can configure Flatapak to download and install all the languages you want. For example, to enable the download of Czech locales for all your Flatpak applications you can do:

flatpak config --set extra-languages "cs_CZ"

You will have to reinstall PrusaSlicer afterward. The re-installation is performed by running:

flatpak uninstall com.prusa3d.PrusaSlicer

flatpak install com.prusa3d.PrusaSlicer

How do I install Flatseal?

To install Flatseal you can do:

flatpak install flathub com.github.tchx84.Flatseal

assuming Flatpak is already installed on your system and the Flathub repository is correctly set up.


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