
Heatbed Port Overcurrent

#26309 (MK4S) #13309 (MK4) #27309 (MK3.9S) #21309 (MK3.9) #28309 (MK3.5S) #23309 (MK3.5) #31309 (CORE One)

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What happened?

Your printer is showing the message: "Overcurrent detected on xBuddy heatbed port, disconnect the device."

Error name: Heatbed Port Overcurrent

Error code: #26309 (MK4S) #13309 (MK4) #27309 (MK3.9S) #21309 (MK3.9) #28309 (MK3.5S) #23309 (MK3.5) #31309 (CORE One)

The error is shown when there is a damaged cable on the heatbed or any of its connections.

How to fix it? 

The most likely cause of this issue is damage to the heatbed cable. Check the path between the heatbed and the xBuddy board, and see if there are any parts that are broken or pinched.

In case there is no damage, check the cable connection to the heatbed and to the xBuddy board. Try reconnecting the connectors.

In rare cases, this error message can be shown in case of damage to the xBuddy board. So if the cables and connectors are intact, try checking the board for any damage.





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Pre-heating is the work around for this.
When starting with the MK4 cold, selecting a file to print, and then starting the print, all the steppers and the bed heater and the hot end are turned on all at once, causing a current surge large enough to trigger the over-current sensor. So pre-heating reduces that surge when the other things are powered up at the start of a print, and printing can then be initiated. I would suggest that the firmware needs to be revised to apply power to the steppers, bed heater and hot end sequentially.
I've had this twice now in the past week. It seems to be triggered by changing the filament and then immediately printing from the LCD. I found that if I pre-heat the printer to the proper settings for the new filament, then the alert doesn't trigger. Hope this helps.
Had this problem, inspected bed, wiring, xBuddy board, checked all connections for tightness & damage, found nothing, put it back together again and now it's printing fine...Wonder if a scratch on the heat bed was shorting to the build plate or something.
Will update if it happens again.
My MK4S shows this error message if I print directly. After a filament change or short heating time, printing work without problems. @Prusa Support: Do you have any solutions?
Jan Kratochvíl

Hello. Try to tighten contacts from cables to the heatbed. Or try to contact our support team via livechat.

The issue is now solved by replacing the xBuddy. Thanks to your support team.
Zach Peters
Just chiming in to report my situation.
I recently assembled a mk4 from kit and am experiencing this issue.  All self tests (including heating the nozzle and bed) complete.  However the provided prints (haven't tried others) will reboot with an overcurrent error as soon as the print starts.  One time i was able to get a print partially started by pre-heating the bed and nozzle first.After talking with support they are suspecting the power cabling for the heatbed.  If this ends up being a resolution i will report back.
I have nearly the same issue - just built a Mk4 from kit a few weeks ago, and if i start a new print with a cold bed, i will somtimes get the heatbed port overcurrent reset as soon as it loads the print; but if I preheat the nozzle and bed first, even for a couple seconds, I never get the error.  If it keeps happening I'll check my wiring and then contact support, but for now it seems just a minor annoyance.