
FINDA: Filament Stuck

#04102 (MMU)

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What happened?

While the MMU unit was unloading a filament, the SuperFINDA sensor inside the selector stayed triggered/detecting a filament, while it shouldn’t. 

The superFINDA might be referred to as FINDA on the printer.

How to fix it?

Check if the filament has been unloaded or not.

If the filament has been unloaded, but the superFINDA is still triggered, open the Festo fitting connected to the selector, and check if there is anything stuck in the selector (e.g. broken filament, string).

Also, make sure that the superFINDA is working: FINDA setup and troubleshooting.

In case the filament is stuck between the MMU unit and the extruder, remove the PTFE tube from the FESTO fitting. Remove any debris that might be stuck in the PTFE tube. pull out approx. 40cm of filament and inspect it for indents. If there are any, cut off the damaged part of the filament, re-install the PTFE tube, and hit Retry.

Make sure that the tip of the filament is sharp, and not stringy or expanded so that the issue does not happen again.

If there is any debris or broken pieces of filament inside the selector, it can be cleared up using the 1.5mm Allen key, if you remove the FESTO fitting and move the selector all the way to the right. If the SuperFINDA sensor was triggered due to debris / broken filament, the actual filament might be far behind the pulley wheel and might need pushing into the MMU from the back, while retrying the loading operation.

Multi-material operation is sensitive to proper temperature settings. Check that you are using the correct settings for the given material in Slicer. Incorrect nozzle temperatures will cause issues with filament load/unload. Note that with MMU, some 3rd party filaments might behave differently than during the single-material operation even with the same settings.

Some filaments sensitive to moisture might need to be dried out before use. Moist filaments are usually more stringy and this might cause the filaments to jam. You can read more about how to lower the stringing in our Stringing and oozing article.

It is recommended to use only high-quality filaments. Certain poor-quality filaments or very specific filament types won’t work correctly with the MMU. In this case, change the slicer settings according to the manufacturer's instructions.



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Gunda W
das Filament wird beim Laden in die MMU3 beschädigt. Es kann weder geladen noch entladen werden. Der Finda reagiert ordnungsgemäß. Das konnte ich testen.
Was könnte ich falsch gemacht haben beim Zusammenbau?
Das Filament ist erst kurz vor dem Versuch zu laden, ausgepackt worden. PLA von eSUN
OrderNr. 1733431480
[email protected]
Giuliano - Official Prusa CS
Hallo. Überprüfen Sie die Spannung der Idler-Schrauben oben auf dem Extruder: Wenn sie zu fest angezogen sind, können das Getriebe und die Lager auf dem Drehgelenk das Filament abwürgen.
For me the issue was the F.I.N.D.A itself.. it was shorting out so hard to track. Required a replacement.
I was able to resolve this issue by unscrewing the bowden tube from the mmu and finding a small bit of plastic fuzz right where the finda sensor triggers. Removed it, reloaded my filament, all is good again.edit: it appeared to be a bit of stringing, which hadnt happened with filament swaps previously. This was my first single color print since installing my mmu3, maybe it didnt properly cool the filament after the entire print finished
And wat can i do if the filament is not unloaded?
Again I have the same issue. Filament runs out and printer correctly backs it up. Then asks to remove remaining piece and then tries to load next filament. But it is stuck on 50% and tries to load to finda twice and as soon as finda triggers it just stops showing the error leading to here. I contacted support about this issue but they were unable to help. I avoid long prints but sometimes just can't. How to resume a print once I swap the filament if I cant even get to menu?
Triggering power panic helps. Just make sure tu push filament all the way in, best right to the nozzle - to minimize layer gaps. Once you pull the plug out and back in, the printer will assume it has filament in the nozzle and resume the print. Have to pull the plug - power switch on PSU won't work. In my case, I already had MMU turned off in one of my previous steps. Idk if that is relevant
Same is  happenin  here. Run Out of filament and stuck now. The filament is moving, but once it lifts the ball it gius backedit:so, leasing the filament back to the nozzle tube, Push till the filament start oozing, and unplug, plug back and it start where it stopped....not optimal, but if printing lot of objects, it can save the rest, probably